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Dear thy fellow readers....

For some unknown reason (my parents are taking away my phone ;D ), i'm gonna have to write on a different account. Truthfully be told, i didn't really ask her permission yet but shrug, she loves me. i mean, aren't best friends suppose to love each other? So Geraldine, after reading, please nod your head, smile and talk about how wonderful I am.

Anyway, if you guys are wondering about Maxine and Rick, then you'll have to wait for another update.

However, that would be in about a month unless someone tells me how to move your story to someone else's account. Oh wait, i can just copy and paste, and then send it to geraldine's account!!! Perfect! Cuz i don't remember my password at all.... That was awesome, I was just typing when i thought of an idea. Ok I better shut up. Oh and the story will have the same title. Bye you guys, have fun cuz i hate to break it to you but..... SCHOOL'S NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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