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........yeah, I can trust him.

"Hurry woman! I'm tired of standing around here" Maddie whined, stomping her foot.

"Y-yeah, I trust you" I nodded. Danny smiled at me. After a while, my jaw started hurting and I realized I was also smiling-- like a creepy clown I must add. Heck, even a smile not-to-secretly crept within Maddie's face which she hid with a cough while blushing.

"Hey Danny?" Maddie broke the silence.

"Yes Maddie?" They looked at each other, a sadistic smile mirroring the twins.

They just stared at each other for a second and nodded.

"H-hey, what are you doing?! Hey, staaaaaph!!" I yelled. The twins just grabbed each of my shoulders and dragged me to the girl's changing room.

"Change into your gym strip, or I'll make you" Danny threatened me with a smile. Something's telling me he's not joking though....


"No! Push! Maxine, you have to PUSH!!!" Danny yelled, banging on the ground.

"I can't do it anymore, please, no more! This is too much!" I pleaded.

"No Maxi! I'll always be here! You can do this, PUSH HARDER" Danny reassured me, both of us panting but well, for different reasons.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HAVING SEX IN THE GYM?!" A flushed brunette came in seeing me in a push up formation and Danny kneeling down beside me.

"Wait---wha?" She asked in confusion. Maddie who's been quiet this whole time, sitting in the stage, bursted laughing. I didn't even realize she was recording the whole thing until I saw replaying the video

"Oh god, oh god, you guys are killing me! I don't blame the chic, you guys just... Just... Just sounded so wrong!" She squeaked at the last part, bursting into fit of laughters again.

"Oh uh, s-sorry, I just- um, SORRY!" She grabbed what seems to be her bag from the corner and ran away in a millisecond.

Danny and I looked at each other for a bit then turned away, blushing. Well this is awkward.

"Sorry, now people who didn't come in are probably going to think we had.... You know." I started even though it wasn't my fault.

"Yeah, I can't believe her. It makes me angry that she thinks I had sex with you!" Now that one stung. Not that I wanted to do it with him but what he said kinda hurt.

"I mean, why would she think I would do it in the GYM?! The gym's so gross! Sweats everywhere, it just stinks! I'd do you in one of the classrooms!" He exclaimed. This boy....

"Don't even think about that!!" I screamed, covering my ears. --but a little part of me felt better. Weird right?

"Mmm, you're moaning 'Danny~' oh, I'm taking off your panties..."

"Danny, stop!" I shrieked.

Danny laughed, finally saving me from the terror. "Alright, let's go back. Maddie, come on!"

"Don't expect me to bark" Maddie hopped off the stage. "Oh and Maxine? My little cousin's 5 and even he can do a push up." She smirked, making me blush furiously.

"Now now..." Danny patted my back.

"Bye Maxine" Danny waved while Maddie just raised her two fingers and did a tiny salute.

"Bye you guys, thank you!" I smiled


"Mmmm" I moaned while in the bath. I swear, Danny made me go through hell today! He's been making me do a push up but it just didn't work so he told me I'm doing counter push ups for a week, knee push ups the week after and then push ups the next week. Makes sense in my opinion. But the guy made me do 100 push ups before letting me rest for 10 minutes and then made me do it again. 5 times!

He also made me do sit ups. Somewhere around my 5th, I dropped my body non too gently back down the ground, my head making a loud bang from the impact. It hurt. It really did. But you know what the devil did?! He rubbed it for a minute then made me continue! Now I appreciate him actually rubbing my head but i expected him to say 'Oh my, Maxine, dear. Don't push yourself honey, rest for the rest of the day. Sit back and relax while I bake some awesome rainbow cookies!'

Wait, maybe not the last part but you get it. Oh god, he also made me run a lap around the field 5 times and let me tell you, the field is HUGE. It can cover the whole block.

And don't forget the girl today. She was just... So... Oh you know what? Whatever. I'm sore, I need to sleep!






That night, I blow dried my hair and tucked myself to sleep, too sore to think about the many what ifs I usually think of for a while.

That night, I again went to sleep dreaming about Rick....... I'LL GET MY REVENGE


Greetings humans of the earth, I intended to focus the chapter on the training but I thought I should try to introduce a new character. Now do remember, Maddie, Danny and the mystery girl will play a HUGE role in this story k? ;)

Hope you like this chapter. Please vote if you think I deserve it and comment below what you think. I welcome some suggestions on what to change but if you just say 'so um, like, your story really sucks. I, like, hate it like, soooo much' while twirling your hair, then screw you.

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