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*Maxine's POV*

"Where were you guys?!" Maddie screeched as we closed the door behind us.

"Had a walk in the park" Danny shrugged, not even bothered.

"In the dark?" She crossed her arm and raised her eyebrows.

"It wasn't dark when we left!" I pointed out. Although I do understand why she would be worried. Then again we were having a good time sitting there but I really don't appreciate the forest. Especially in the night time....

"Maxine?" Maddie called out. I blinked and looked at her direction.

"Yeah?" She tapped at her phone

"11:30 p.m" she showed me the time in her phone. I instantly ran for my stuff hoping Auntie wouldn't be that mad since I'm late. Reaaaaally late.

"Uhh... Maxine?" Danny tapped my shoulders lightly.

"No, sorry, hold on. I can't talk to you and get my stuff at the same time!" I hurried on and grabbed the rest of my stuff. When I was about to go for it, Maddie tripped me halfway. The heavy backpack didn't ease the pain either...

"Oww... What was that for?" I rubbed my forehead and she pointed in her brother's direction.

"Apparently, he's got something to say." And then she started eating the donut in her hands I failed to see before.

I looked back at Danny in annoyance since I really need to go now.

"Make it quick Danny" I crossed my arms. He cleared his throat and smirked.

"Maxine, darling, you look like a turtle with a huge backpack and petite body first of all..."

I gave him a pointed look and he laughed.

"It's actually just 5 to 8 p.m."

"what? But Maddie's phone said..." I asked completely and utterly confused.

"She changed the time in her phone" he showed me the time in his phone.

"Maddie!" I looked back at Maddie and gave her a questioning look.

"You know, HE could be the one lying, right? You're so quick to blaming me, I've never done anything bad to you as far as i could remember!" She finished eating, licked her fingers and placed her hands on her hips.

"You sure you haven't done anything bad?" I smirked.

"Well... Maybe not today?" She gave me one of her fake innocent smile.

I pointed in my throbbing forehead.

"Oh you get what I mean!" She said frustrated and went to the fridge to get some milk.

"No, I don't." I smirked yet again. She's different at home... Seems to be a bit nicer (?) and relaxed.

"Oh and your aunt gave you permission to stay over." Rick said over his shoulder while he drank orange juice in the carton. Ew.

"Since when did I ask for permission?" I asked in wonder.

"You didn't." Maddie casually said and flopped in the couch, playing a movie. I dropped my stuff and sat beside her, curious about the movie.

"What's this movie about?" I asked while the beginning was just starting.

"Uhhh... It's about this girl who's been looking for her one true love when she found herself in a mansion with her 'dream' guy."

Danny who sat beside me after turning off the lights raised her eyebrows at Maddie.

"Is something wrong with her explanation?" I asked suspiciously.

"No no, nothing's wrong with it." He said, shaking his head and looking back at the movie.

"I never knew you liked movies like this Maddie." I added in astonishment. It felt like I learned another part of her.

* 10 minutes later*

"Aaaaahhh" i screamed and covered my eyes.

"Oh god, she's coming!!!" Maddie yelled, also covering her eyes.

"Sheesh, why do you guys watch it if you're scared?" Danny groaned, obviously annoyed by how loud we were being.

"You guys said it was a romance!" I pointed out.

"I wanted to scare her!" Maddie sighed in frustration.

"Buuuut you got scared too yourself."
Danny added.

"Smart ass" maddie mumbled.

Who the heck would've known we were watching The Grudge? No wonder they were being weird earlier! I thought I saw another part of Maddie.... Guess not. Oh gosh, in the window of the bus!

"Aaahh" Maddie and I both screamed together.

"This is gonna be a loooooong night." Whispered Danny to himself.


We finally finished the movie and went to Maddie's bedroom. Danny went to play with his xbox so Maddie told us that we should go.

"Hey Maddie" I asked, setting up their extra sleeping bag.


"You still haven't taught me anything about clothes."

Maddie placed down her iphone.

"Hmmm... Let's see. I can't really just tell you what to wear since that wouldn't really teach you anything."

"What? But I have no fashion sense..." I mumbled.

"Everyone has fashion sense. It's just that some either doesn't care or doesn't really think what they're through. It's also at you personality. For example, you're pretty girly so you like bright colours. Try picking a bright colour as your theme and then work with other colours. You're a bit tanned, don't always go with orange..."

I nodded, taking notes in my head.

"You're top and bottom can't be the same colour. This is just my own preference but if you're collar's low, don't put your hair in a pony tail. Try curling your hair a bit. Your shoes should match what you're wearing. Sneakers and jeans never matches with me but you could probably pull it off. I really love skinny jeans with boots. Oh and if you're wearing a plain dress, one that doesn't have those stupid sparkles or anything flashy, wear a waist belt. I absolutely love waist belts."

I grabbed 2 donuts from her table for the two of us.

She mouthed thanks and ate her donuts. I ate mine too and i can't tell you how much I love donuts!!!

A minute later, she finished and started talking again. Waist belts show your figure when what you're wearing hides it. Your hair is beautiful. It's straight. But you don't take care of it so I suggest cutting it up a little, get layers and side bangs. But layers shouldn't be that short so you can still wear a bun if you want. Also, your make up shouldn't be over done or you'll look like a freakin' clown. Or well, our classmates. Not that I see the difference but anyway, you have baby face so for now, just go with a lip gloss. Or maybe lip stick. You could also add eye liner and a blush if you want but your cheeks took care of that. When you're a bit older and you're face matured even more, add a smokey eyes. Go to youtube for that one since I for one, am still learning it too. Last but not least, don't wear too much accessories. The fortune tellers' got that one covered."

Whoa. Intense....

"Thank you Maddie, that helped me a lot! You're advises were very good!" I couldn't help but clap a little.

"You're welcome. Oh and my bed's big enough for the two of us." She said, patting the bed.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Turn off the lights first though."

"Sure, thanks a lot!"

"Mhmm." She nodded and mumbled good night.

She must've been really tired if she slept right away.

"Good night." I giggled and let sleep take over my body.......


WHOA, 2000 readers?! THANK U, U GUYS!!!!! BTW, WHO LOVES DETECTIVE CONAN?! OK, IM LIKE OBSESSED WITH THAT ANIME. oh btw, i never knew I had it in me to write that much about fashion. Geral, you should be proud of me... Anyway, thanks and please vote/follow if you think I deserve it. K? ;)

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