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*Maxine's POV*

"Alright, class is over." Our professor, Gary, slammed his book loudly dismissing us. So far, he's my favourite teacher. He's 46? I think. But he looks 21. He's a looker too, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, broad shoulders. Quite muscular too!

"Oh god, It's finally finished" Maddie shook her head

"Danny, you survived!" One of Danny's friends, Manny yelled after us.

Danny grinned and the two high fived. "You too my man!"

"It's just socials studies you guys, I admit it was bad but no one dies from history" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah? It was so boring I almost forgot how to breathe." Manny yelled out.

"Too bad you still remember, huh. I would've had a peace of mind if you didn't..." I grumbled.

Maddie and I snickered and high five "But I do agree. Their dead, why do we need to know about them?!" She added.

"All these thinking's making me hungry..." Manny whined as we proceeded to order food in the cafeteria.

We all snorted receiving a glare from Manny.

He's one of the only people I actually accepted as a friend. He wasn't like the others... He's kinda like Maddie if you ask me. In a way. We act brothers, talk like sisters and fight like cats and dogs. But he's a bit of an airhead...

"Hey sexy" a random guy groped my boobs.

"Get your hands away from me" I grumbled and smacked his arms away from me.

"Aww, after what we did together? You were having fun!" He poked my cheeks.

"That was for fun only, whoever you are." I smirked.

"Don't pretend to not know what my name is." He laughed.

"No dude, really, I highly doubt she's PRETENDING to not remember..." Manny slumped his arms over the weirdo's shoulders.

"Yeah man, just get lost." Danny laughed.

"Wait, what? They're kidding right?" His face showed hurt. Well, he's fault for hoping on anything. Haven't he heard how I'm like?

I just stood there with a blank face hoping he would just walk away or get swallowed by the ground or something.

"So they're not..." His face showed hardness now. He looked betrayed, anger radiating his whole body as his eyes turned red.

"It was just a one night stand you moron" I shrugged and walked away.

"You... I believed in you! I thought those were just rumours I mean, how can you do those things with an angelic face like that?!" He yelled causing unwanted attention from all the students.

"Roses. They're beautiful, graceful and glimmering. One look at the flower itself, you'd think 'what harm can it do?' But when you pick it you realize its stem hidden under is full of thorns that can cut through your skin and cause pain." I looked back at him with a smirk.

"Never look at one's appearance but what's inside them." I continued walking away from the quiet crowd; All you hear is my heels clicking.







"Never look at someone's appearance but what's inside them." I chuckled lightly as she confidently walked away. She wasn't like the shy little girl years ago. Now she's a woman, able to capture every man walking with her beauty.

"No. That's not right, I'll get her back for this... I'll make sure she'll regret playing around with me like that." The guy who I remembered as Jim even though Maxine didn't shook with anger.

"Hey Jim, let's have a little.... Talk." I held tight on his shoulders while I nodded at Manny. He seemed to have the same thought since he smirked and I felt his arm tighten at Jim's shoulders too. I heard Jim whimper as he felt pain. Good. This'll be easy.

We dragged Jim to the back of the school and pushed him against the fence.

"Listen here, do anything to Maxine and you'll be dead meat got it?!" I held on to his collar.

Out of fear, his body moved in its own and he felt the adrenaline rush making his mind and body act.

He punched me in the face making me stumble down. He tried to run away but Manny hit him square in the face. I definitely heard an unhealthy crack meaning his nose was broken. He whimpered in fear as I stood up.

"Bad move, you'll pay for that." I smirked while wiping the blood off my my mouth."

I kicked him at his ribs until it was broken, grabbing him by his hair so he would stand up. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, please let me go" he whispered. "You shouldn't have hit me Jim." I chuckled darkly then proceeded to knee him in the face. Ok twice. Just twice. Maaaaaybe.

"Dude, I think he had enough" Manny patted me in the back and pulled me away from the dying Jim. He looks disgusting if you ask me.

"Is he dead?" I asked in wonder. "About to be if you still kept hitting him. Now calm yer hormones down and TRY to forget The trouble Maxine makes, ok?" He chuckled and mumbled love.

I sighed in defeat as I realized something. No matter how many girls I sleep with, she'll always stay in my head. This is terrible, I have to stop loving her before it's too late. Unless I cut her thorns off but that would be too hard, it's too thick.....

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