Chapter 2

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<Ruki's pov>

"Yeah, Takanori has been doing well in school. Yes, he does deserve a present for his birthday."

I overheard my mother on her phone, chatting with my grandmother. She was in the dining room in her silk pajama pants and a white silk shirt. I slowly walked in and lightly knocked on the door rim. She perked up and looked at me. "Okay, hold on Okaasan." she took the phone away from her ear and put her free hand over the microphone on the phone. "Yes?"

"I'll wait until you get off the phone... Was gonna ask you a question." I whispered. Mother nodded and she went back onto the phone. Minutes later, she had hung up.

"Man, your Obaasan talks a lot. Now, what's the matter?" My mother stood in front of me.

"Um, well, you see... Umm.... I'm 17 and I'm a senior. I am a good child as always, so, I think I deserve to go to my first senior party." I said as respectively as I could. My mother paused for a moment.

"Party? Who's party?" mother asked me.

"Ayame Tsukiyomi's party." I responded.

"And this is safe?"

"Okaasan, it's a party."

"I'll go ask your father. If he says yes, then, I guess it is a yes."

I nodded and she grabbed her cell phone once again and called my father. I thought she'd wait until he arrived home, but she probably wanted to bother him. "Hello?..... Honey, Takanori wants to go to a senior party and I want to say yes because he's responsible, he won't do anything stupid, and Im sure it isn't an unsafe party......mhm.... Yeah..... Hold on." she moved the phone away from her ear. "When's the party?"

"Next month, February 5th." I responded quickly.

"The date is February 5th....... Okay, Ill let him know. Thank you. Love you... Bye bye." She hung up the phone, "Your father said yes, but he was hesitant because... Well, he's your father. Don't bring home any babies alright? You have fun, no alcohol even if they say to drink it. The answer is no. And, no intercourse with any girls. Got it?"

"Hai, Okaasan!" I smiled. My mother smiled back at me and pecked my forehead as she left to go upstairs. I'm actually going to my first senior party. I really do hope nothing ruins my fun there. I want to be able to enjoy myself without having anyone being douch bags.


At school, of course you'll see these devils looking gloomy because... Well, it's a school day. The happiest day of all weekdays are Friday's. The hallways always seemed dark, the students reminded me of retarded zombies just groaning and moving at slow paces. The three zombies that I call my best friends had approached me.

"Fellow tomodachis, I finally got permission from my parents that I am able to go to the party." I cheered and had a cute smiled on my face.

"Awesome! We need to go shopping for some clothes to wear. Takanori, me and you will go find something for you. No nerdy clothes." Kouyou spoke. Mind you, I had on skin tight jeans and a button up shirt with an oversized gray sweater over the shirt.

"Hey, it's not... What you call nerdy." I air quotes the word "nerdy". I'm not the nerdy, really. I'm just really intelligent and I have common sense.


"Uh oh, class is about to start. I'll see you guys later." I said as I walked away to get to class. They went the opposite way.

I walked into my classroom, sitting in my usual seat in the front. I don't really like the back seat. It's full of jerks and sluts who sit on the table with their mini skirts and their nasty, horrid odor of their genitals, but no one knows their true scent because they coat themselves with perfume. Me having a strong nose, I'll need a freaking face mask. It's disgusting and it really does make me sick.

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