Chapter 8

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||Writing in Music Theory isn't a good idea, but we had a sub. So I'm good. Lol!! ||

There was so much going on with Takanori. During the night, he couldn't get as much sleep as he wanted. It was always complicated for him. Tossing and turning were always constant, waking up from nightmares and trying to go back to sleep, or his anxiety was taking away from his sleep. It would be 4:45 and he would be up, either doing nothing or going downstairs to the kitchen and finding something that'll put him back to sleep.

There was, sometimes, always nothing.

This was an everyday thing, however.

It was now morning. Takanori sort of went to sleep. It was hard to wake him up due to that lack of sleep. It's only the weekend, so maybe he'll be able to sleep the entire weekend...


Takanori's father harshly knocked on his locked, bedroom door. Takanori groaned and remained asleep, wishing that the banging was only a dream.

The banging kept going on. It was repetitive and it bothered Takanori to the point where he'd start attacking someone. He groaned again and forced himself to get up, his back and his right arm aching in pain. He sighed and shrugged the sudden pain off, tiredly walking to the door. He unlocked it and opened it. "Yes?"

"Get up. You're not sleeping in today." his father said. His tone was harsh and stern, still upset at Takanori's behavior from the night before. His father came in his room, "Your mother and I had decided to take you to a psychiatric hospital...a mental institution."

Takanori was still facing the hallway, forcing himself to stay up, but when he heard "psychiatric hospital" his eyes shot open and his stomach dropped. He clenched his fists and tried staying calm. "Why?" he turned to face his dad, "Why do you want to take me to a psychiatric hospital, dad?"

"Look at you, Takanori! You're harming yourself in the worse way possible, taking drugs that could've killed you, and you attempted suicide more than once. Why do I have to hear you screaming everyday? Breaking things? You're going crazy. Whatever is wrong with you, you need to be in a safe place. You're not living in this household if you're going to live this type of lifestyle." his father explained.

Takanori ran his fingers through his hair, "Otoosan! What are you talking about?!" Takanori stopped himself from talking.

Scopolamine takes away your free will. After it wears off, you aren't aware of what happened before... .your memory from that incident went away.

"You're taking me because I'm gay aren't you? You think I'm sick for being homosexual. You and Okaasan thinks this. I know it! You can't doubt it! You can't choose the way I live my lifestyle!" Takanori fussed and he started to cry. He felt like his father wanted to disown him, but it's too heartbreaking to even think about that. His father had grew angry.

"Shut up! You know damned well you choosing that lifestyle isn't gonna help your future at all! You need help! You're going to a mental institution. You will not, and you cannot change my decision."

"Why can't I, Dad?! It's not fair how you treat me like this. I'm not hurting anyone! Why should you even care what I choose to do with MY life when you don't spend time with me all!" Takanori argued back. He was raising his voice and didn't realize he was until his father had forcefully gripped on Takanori's hair.

"Watch who you're raising your voice, Takanori. I am the man of this house. Not you, nor your brother. I make the rules here. Not you, nor your brother. Do you hear me clearly?"

Takanori grunted and harshly pushed his father away from him. He didn't meant to do it. It just happened so fast, but it was in a blink of an eye when Takanori was forcefully pushed back in return by his father. He had fallen to the floor and hurt his arm against the bed frame. "Okaasan!!" he yelled out. His mother had ran into the bedroom and saw that the father Was yelling and physically hurting Takanori. She came and stopped him from hitting the boy.

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