Chapter 10

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(Reita's Home 2 weeks later)

Takanori is in a mental hospital...

Akira couldn't get that thought out of his mind. It was replaying, over and over again. He was in the middle of packing a few outfits for the week. He stopped and looked down at his hands. All he could see were the hands of his best friend on Akira's own hands.

"Akira-kun, let's play another game. How about Um... Rock Paper Scissors?"

Akira could hear Takanori's squeaky voice from when he was little. All those memories, Akira loved so much. He continued packing his clothes. His mother came in his bedroom, "Akira, honey, are you okay? You didn't take it so well." His mother said in a soft tone. Akira sighed deeply and didn't respond. "Well... when you are done packing, bring your bags downstairs, okay?" She left the bedroom and went into her own bedroom.

Akira was finished packing, zipping up his luggage bag. He stood up and flopped on his bed. He huffed and looked at his phone. Just twitter notifications and emails. No messages or calls. He unlocked his phone and went to his text messages between him and Takanori, reading from when he first talked to Takanori before the incident, until now. He smiled at the entertaining conversations they had. "He was one silly individual...So cute." He mumbled. He stood up again and grabbed his luggage, slipping his phone in his pocket with his headphones around his neck. He made his way down the stairs and put his luggage besides his mother's. "Okaasan, I think I'm ready."

"Alright. I'll be right down."

(Ruki's POV)

Ruki was sitting on the bed, drawing, and humming a song. The song was more of a lullaby than just a plain tune you'd hear on the radio. Also, his drawing was very detailed the drawing had a pretty dark background of a forest and a glowing princess was pretty much the main part of the drawing. The princess wore an elegant, long white dress and her hair was flowing in the wind. A crow flew above her and past the large moon behind the trees.

Ruki looked at the drawing and ripped it out of his sketchbook and grabbed the roll of tape, now taping it on the wall near his bed. He made his way to the caged window. What is there to do? I took my meds, ate a little bit, and I made a piece of art......this isn't as fun as I thought...

Birds flew freely past the window. He sighed, wondering what it felt like being free again. Being free from trouble and free from his past. It just keeps coming back. He remembers all that time of being here in the institution, he was caught trying to drug himself or running away. The only way to make him calm down was to have a nurse check on him every hour. Do you know how bad that annoyed Takanori?

There was a knock at his door that caused him to lose train in thought and also made him flinch. Ruki sighed and moved to sit on his bed and yelled, "It's open!" The person that opened the door was a surprise to Takanori.


"Hey, Lil bro." Kato walked in, closing the door behind him. He approached Takanori and gave him a gentle hug and sat next to him. "How are you?" Kato asked and rubbed Takanori's shoulder.

Takanori shivered a bit and sighed, "Eh...I don't know." He laid his head on Kato's shoulder. "How's mum," he paused, "...and dad?"

"You want the truth? They aren't doing so well." Takanori perked up to look at his brother with concerned eyes. His eyes started to water, thinking of the impossible.

"What do you mean?" Takanori's voice cracked and he bit his bottom lip to keep himself from tearing.

"Well... Otoosan has been distant from us. Ever since you told them that you were gay, Otoosan hasn't been the same since. He comes home drunk and all crazy, hurting Okaasan and telling her that she raised us and spoiled us too much. And Otoosan said that we needed more discipline. He tried to hurt me, but thank God you weren't there. I don't want things to end up like they used to be. That's why we put you in here. To keep you safe from harm of any kind. So, Otoosan had stopped coming home after a while, but coming back. Him and Okaasan argues a lot. It's not your fault, Takanori." Kato sighed and fished in his khaki pants pocket and took out a thin, square plastic like paper. It was a picture of Takanori and his mum and dad. Takanori looked at the picture and his eyes started to water. He sighed deeply and wiped his tears.

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