Chapter 6

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(Here is a change in plans. I think the reason why I keep on getting writer's block was probably because of the POVs. So, for now on, I will not be doing POVs. Sorry for the inconvenience. But, if you liked the POVs I COULD or MIGHT bring them back.)

It has been about a month since Takanori had been forced to buy drugs. Everyday, he's been feeling quite paranoid, thinking that his parents could come into his bedroom at any moment and find out there's a bag of Scopolamine in his nightstand drawers. Takanori was now examining the Scopolamine in the sandwich bag, wondering why the hell he didn't call the police in the first place, or throwing it away as soon as he bought it. The guys who forcefully sold it to Takanori had so called "knew" Takanori. Actually, they had seen the video as well.

Just once and you won't do it again..., Ruki, his conscience was telling him. Takanori sighed deeply, still examining the bag.

That stupid white powder in that bag, full of death and hell. What does he even have to do with the drug anyways? Put it in liquid? Sniff it in like cocaine? Have someone blow it in his face?  Takanori was absolutely confused.

"Takanori! Come here please?" His mother called from downstairs. He huffed and hid the bag of drugs in his nightstand drawers, underneath a book he had in there, then making his way to the living room. His mother was sitting on the couch next to her husband, Takanori's father. His mother had a very determined look on her face. Not just determined, she looked worried. "Takanori, I don't think you're going to be happy about this, but, your father and I are putting you into therapy." Takanori's eyes widened. His blood starting to boil, stomach turning, and his head started to hurt.

"What?! Why?" Takanori fussed and his fists were balled in anger.

"I've started getting a bit suspicious of you. Ever since after the party, you've been very distant, quiet, and your attitude changed. Is there something you're not telling us? I would like to know now."

"There's nothing I have to hide. I'm just...." Takanori sighed, "I'm just stressed. Can't you except that?"

"You're stressed? Me and your father work every day and night, just to take care of this family, and you're stressed? Bad enough I'm running low on money because your grandmother is in debt right now. I'm helping her pay for her bills and giving her money so she could eat a healthy meal when she can. Plus, we have to take care of you and your brother, and you're stressed?" His mother started fussing, standing up in front of Takanori. She was angry, angry at the fact that she believes Takanori was being selfish for saying what he did.

"Mom, I'm a senior! We get a lot of work everyday and I have to deal with stupid kids who don't like to shut their Fucking mouths and makes fun of me everyday. I'm being bullied in that fucking school. Yes, I'm stressed, mom." Takanori started arguing to his mother  She gasped at Takanori's words, being aware that her son used swear words. Takanori's father approached him and shoved him against the wall.

"You watch your mouth. Don't you ever talk to your mother like that again, you hear?" His father shouted. Takanori felt his heart racing. It felt like he was going to explode — his chest of course. He collapsed on the floor and cried.

"G-gomen nasai!" Takanori cried.

"Definitely taking him to a therap--"

Takanori was already upstairs, his door slamming. He screamed and kicked his door and flopped on the bed, "I don't want a stranger knowing about my personal business.... " Takanori mumbled.

Suddenly, Takanori's phone started to ring. Reading the caller ID, he started to feel his stomach fluttering. Akira. Whenever Takanori is in a bad mood, Akira ends up calling out of the blue.

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