Chapter 15: Mimi

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It had been about a month since Mimi had gotten her new slave. The first day she got her was a hard one but Mimi could tell that the girl was learning the ways of the Palace and how it functioned. She was behaving better and arrived at places on time. Judari had visited a second time to have lunch in the garden. It was fun when she visited, Mimi always thoroughly enjoyed herself. That night she was throwing a party for all the friends she hadn’t seen in a while. Seeing Judari had inspired her to do it.

                Right now Mimi was in her Aunt’s council room. She patted and straightened her light blue dress and watched as her Aunt poured wine into little glass cups. While Mimi was having sweet rolls her Aunt was eating jerky. Lord Kirnas wasn’t one for sweets and she found them childish and pointless to eat. The Queen bit off a piece of jerky and chewed while Mimi sipped the translucent green wine gingerly.

                “How was your day Auntie?” Mimi asked politely.

                “It was taxing, but what’s a good Queen without hard work?” She said as her brown lips pulled into a tight smile.

                Mimi smiled back, “A good Queen without hard work is still a Queen.”

                And then Lord Kirnas smiled genuinely and continued to eat her dried meats. “This piece of yoduwi is extraordinary,” She said chewing more and then swallowed, “When was it caught?”

                “It was caught and dried a week ago. I made sure they put your favorite seasonings.”

                Lord Kirnas smiled at her, “How are you enjoying your cake?”

                “It’s delicious.” Mimi said truthfully.


                They ate in silence for a short period of time. Lord Kirnas sipped her wine carefully so that it wouldn’t spill on her. Mimi watched her Aunt. She was such a great idol; she always carried her wits about her and was the fairest person in all the land. Her style was simply magnificent too she concluded as she studied her tight fitted lace dress. When it reached her mid-legs it fanned out and the silky under layer and train could be seen. The sleeves were tight and silk billowed out of the wrists, and a lace neck ruff cushioned her head. Mimi tilted her head to the side as she realized that it must have been the time of no moon because her Aunt had her hair in a high ponytail. Never had she seen that hairstyle.

                “Nessecus has told me that you are doing well in your studies.” Her Aunt said, breaking the silence.

                “Yes, I am.”

                “That is great for a future Queen, keep up the great behavior.”

                Mimi smiled and bit into her sweet bun. Maybe now is the time to ask her about the Prince of Gor-Denril coming to visit? She thought. It’s now or never, I’m fully ready to meet him.

                She finished chewing her food and set down her bun. “My Aunt,” Mimi began as she wiped her fingers on the silken cloth, “Perhaps it is time for me to meet the Prince of Gor-Denril.” Gor-Denril was the planet next in the solar system where the men resided.

                Lord Kirnas looked from her plate to her niece in shock, but she wouldn’t let the emotion show on her face, “And why do you think that?” she asked.

                “Well, I have been doing well at my school work, I have my manners mastered and I’m around the age where I should be allowed to at least meet him…” Mimi replied.

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