See you again

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I was being chased by a monitor. I could see camp. I was almost there. The monitor grabbed me and I screamed. 8 people came out of the camp. The monitor started to crush me in his hand. I threw my ring up and it transformed into a sword, I caught it and stabbed the monitors hand. It dropped me and I landed on the ground. My sword fell out of my hand. I screamed at the pain and tried to stand. I ran and grabbed my sword. The monitor turned and knocked me against a tree. I grabbed my sword and went after the monster. I stabbed it in the heart cause it was distracted by the 8 teens. When it disappeared the teens rushed to me. I was about to say something but everything went black.
Leo's POV
The girl passed out and I caught her before she hit the ground.
"We should get her to the infirmary." Hazel said. I picked her up bridal style.
"Is she still alive." Piper asked. Before I could answer nico did.
"Yes she's not dead yet. I can still fill her alive." Nico said.
"Alright then Leo take her to the infirmary. Nico go get Will and his siblings now go move." Annabeth said. I ran to the infirmity and Will ran in behind me. I put her on a bed and got pushed out. I waited till they said I could go in. I went and sat in the chair beside her bed. Then everyone else came in with Chiron.
"Ok so who is going to stay with this girl. And what all is wrong with her." Chiron asked.
"I will stay tonight. She has a few broken ribs. Her wrist is broken and she has a little bit of head trauma. She wouldn't of been about to get back up but she did." I said.
"That is quite weird." Chiron said.
"Are you sure you want to stay tonight Leo. If you don't then I will." Annabeth said.
"No it's fine. I'll stay." I said.
"Goodnight." They all said and left. I looked back at the girl then went to sleep.
The next morning still Leo's POV
I woke up and got scared seeing the girl awake and staring at me. I feel out of the chair I was sitting in.
"Oh my gosh. Are you ok." The girl said.
"Yea. Yea I-I'm fine." I said as I looked up at the girl. She was beautiful.
"Hi I'm (your name) Jackson who are you." She said.
"I'm Leo Valdez. Wait did you just say your last name is Jackson." I asked.
"Yea. Why?" She asked.
"Wait here I'll be right back." I said. I ran to Percy's cabin.
"Percy. Percy. Hurry come on." I said. Percy came out.
"What." Percy asked.
"Follow me." We got annabeth, nico, hazel, piper, Jason, Frank, and Grover. Then we went back to the infirmary.
"Hey (your name). I brought some people to see you." I said.
"Hey." She said.
"This is Nico, Frank, Grover, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Annabeth, and Percy Jackson." I said. She gasp.
"What's wrong." Percy asked.
"Your Percy Jackson." She asked.
"Yeeesssss." Percy said.
"I missed you so much." She said and hugged Percy.
"Woooh." Percy said.
"How do you know Percy." Annabeth asked kinda jealous.
"Percy is my brother. Our mother is Sally Jackson and our father is Poseidon. I missed you Percy." She said.
" (Your name)." Percy said.
"Yess seaweed brain it's me." She said.
"Is this why you said I couldn't call you seaweed brain." Annabeth asked.
"Yea. It would have reminded me of my lost little sister." Percy said.
"I'm not that much younger then you. Your only 2 years older then me." She said.
"I'm still older." Percy said. She got mad and hit him in the arm.
"I'm still stronger." She said. I laughed.
"Dude you just got hit by a girl and crying about it. And she's your younger sister." I said laughing.
"Yea yea shut up Leo." Percy said.
"Hey don't make me burn you fish boy." I said laughing. Percy laughed to.
"Ok so who are your parents." (Your name) asked.
"My mother is Athena." Annabeth said.
"My dad is Zeus or Jupiter since I'm Roman." Jason said.
"My mom's Aphrodite." Piper said.
"My dad is Hades or Pluto." Hazel said.
"My dad's Hades." Nico said.
"My dad's Ares or Mars." Frank said.
"And my dad is hephestasus." I said.
"Cool. Percy lets go swimming I haven't gone in forever. Please." (Your name) said.
Your POV
"No." Percy said.
"But please Percy. I haven't gone since that day at the beach before I went missing." I said.
"Come on Percy be nice to her." Leo said.
"Yea perc listen to Leo. Please. Please. Please can we go swimming." I said.
"You don't have anything to swim in." Percy said.
"I can lend her something. She looks about my size." Piper said.
"See Percy. Please. I miss the water." I said and did my puppy dog eyes and pushed out my bottom lip.
"Urg fine. But you owe me." Percy said.
"No I don't. I'm your sister." I said.
"Come on (y/n) let's go get you a swim suit." Piper said.
"Hey do you guys want to come with us." I asked.
"Sure." Annabeth, Leo, piper, Jason, Frank, and hazel said.
"Annabeth, when I asked if you wanted to go swimming you said no." Percy whined.
"Sorry your sister's just so adorable. I can't help it." Annabeth said. I Smiled.
"But I'm better then adorable. I'm hot. And I'm your boyfriend." Percy said.
"Think all you want lover boy. And yes you are my boyfriend but she's my boyfriends adorable little sister. And besides she can fight really good. Better then you Percy." Annabeth said. Everyone started laughing.
"Alright let's go." I said. Piper pulled me to her cabin.
"What's your favorite color." Piper asked
"(Favorite Color)" I said.
"So do you like it." Piper asked.
"No. I love it. Thank you." I said.
"Hey what are friends for." Piper said.
"Thanks for being my friend. I never really did have any friends that were girls. Or really any at all. All I had was Percy." I said.
"Well now you don't only have Percy but you have me, Leo, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Grover, and Nico." Piper said.
"I don't think they really like me. I was never good at making friends." I said.
"Come on." Piper said. She started dragging me to the beach.
"Hey." I yelled when we seen everyone.
"(Y/n) you are not wearing that. It's to revealing." Percy said.
"No it's not Percy. She's fine." Annabeth said.
"Hey guys come here for a minute please." Piper yelled at everyone. They came toward us.
"What's up pips." Leo asked.
"(Y/n) thinks we don't like her as friends. She said the only friend she ever had was Percy. Are you all her friends." Piper said.
"Piper." I said.
"Of course were your friends." Leo said putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Yea." Everyone else said.
"Alright can we go swimming now." I asked jumping up and down excited.
"Yea let's go before you explode." Percy said laughing.
"Yeah!!!!!!!!" I yelled excited running to the water. I ran down the dock and did a backflip into the water.
"Hey be careful (y/n)." Percy yelled.
"Come on. Waters great." I said.
"Dude I love your sister. She knows how to have fun." Leo said. He ran to the water and jumped in.
"Come on Percy." I said.
"Alright watch the master." Percy said. Running down the dock and doing a frontflip into the water. Then something grabbed my foot and I screamed. Then I was pulled under.
"(Y/n)" Leo yelled. Going underwater to help you. Percy had grabbed you. Percy shot off the bottom and you grabbed Leo to pull him out of the water. We shot out of the water. We started going back down. I knew it would hurt Leo if he hit the water that hard so I brought water up to save him. I fell the rest of the way down. It stung and the water was shallow because i used a lot to save Leo.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain.
"Oh my gosh. (Y-y/n) are you ok." Frank asked.
"Percy your so dead." I screamed.
"And that's my Que to leave." Percy said and ran off.
"Hey are you ok." Piper asked.
"Yea I just need the water. It will heal me. Believe me I've had worst pain then this." I Said. I let the water surround me. I was heal instantly.
"Thanks for saving me. Sorry you got hurt." Leo said.
"Hey it's ok. Wanna watch me kill my brother." I said.
"Yeah." Everyone said.
"Can I join." Someone behind us said.

Sorry guys that is all for now hope you like it. I will try and update soon. Love you guys.
Like I said. If you have an idea tell me and I will put it in. By the way you should check out my other account savannah_potter that is my account. This is mine and my cousins joined account. Hope you like this story bye.

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