I like you

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Three days later
I woke up and my head and back and stomach hurt but not really bad. I opened my eyes and felt someone holding my hand. I looked over and Leo was asleep holding my hand. I Smiled. Then Leo started to wake up. I closed my eyes and acted like I was asleep.
"Oh (y/n). Please wake up soon. You've been out for 3 days. I'm sorry you got hurt. I tried to protect you. Percy is going nuts. You should have seen him when I walked into camp with you in my arms. I was running to the infirmary. Percy ran up to me and saw you. He started freaking out. He killed every harpie in the woods. He's been visiting you everyday. He left about an hour ago. Hopefully you wake up pretty soon. He comes in the morning and at night. He said its to painful to see his baby sister hurt so bad and he did nothing. I just wish you would wake up. I miss you. I miss your smile, laugh, your blue green eyes. Please (y/n) wake up." Leo said.
"I miss you to Leo." I said.
"(Y/n). Your awake." Leo said hugging me gently.
"I need to see Percy. Can I leave." I said.
"Yea as soon as will checks you out and says you can. I'll go get him." Leo said. Leo ran out. Then a couple minutes later came back with a blonde boy.
"So can I leave." I asked the blonde boy.
"Let me check you out. Leo can you step out please." The blonde dude said. Leo looked at me then I Smiled at him and he stepped out.
"Ok so what do you need me to do." I asked.
"Raise your shirt up please." Will asked. I raised my shirt up a little bit. Will grabbed my shirt and lifted it up some more.
"Woah dude." I said pulling my shirt down.
"Don't worry (y/n) I'm gay. I don't even like girls like that. Never have never will. So can you raise your shirt back up please." Will asked.
"I don't feel comfortable. Can someone I know come in here please." I asked.
"The only one you know that's here is Leo." Will said.
"Ok." I said. Will walked out and got Leo.
"Leo tell her I'm gay. I'm not going to look at her that way please." Will asked Leo.
"(Y/n) he is gay. He's dating nico. Just do what he says." Leo said.
"Ok close your eyes please." I said to Leo.
"Alright their closed." Leo said.
"No peeking." I said. And I lifted up my shirt all the way.
"Alright (y/n) can you turn around toward Leo so I can check your back please." Will said. I turned around toward Leo.
"Alright so can I put my shirt down and leave now?" I asked.
"Yea you can put your shirt down. You can leave after. If you get any sharp pains in your stomach or back come back. Or if you feel sick to you stomach come back here." Will said. I pulled my shirt down and grabbed Leo's hand. I started heading to my cabin. I looked threw the window. My brother was sitting by the water in our cabin. I quietly opened the door and told Leo to be quite. I snuck over to Percy and put my hands over his eyes.
"Annabeth I'm not in the mood." Percy said.
"Oh and why not." I said in my best annabeth impression.
"You know why. My baby sister is still in the infirmary and hurt. I didn't protect her. I would do anything for her to be ok and be beside me right now." Percy said. I hugged Percy.
"I love you Percy." I said.
"(Y/n)!!! Your ok!!!!" Percy said turning around and hugging me.
"Yes Percy I'm fine." I said.
"I thought I lost you again. I'm sorry." Percy said.
"You can't get rid of me that easy. Now go see your girlfriend. She's probably worried sick. Tell the guys well meet up later. I have to talk to Leo." I said.
"Alright sis. Love you. Be back here by diner and well all walk their together." Percy said.
"Ok love you bro. Later" I said as Percy left. Then I turned toward Leo.
"What did you want to talk about." Leo asked.
"Why we're you walking in the woods when we got back." I asked.
"You wanna see something cool then I'll tell you." Leo said dragging me out of my cabin and toward the woods.
"Sure" I said. We walked for a while then we got to a bottom of a cliff.
"Watch this." Leo said. He threw a fireball at the wall and it opened.
"Woah this is cool." I said.
"Come on. This is bunker 9 I found it. It's all mine." Leo said. We walked in and their was machines. Then I saw a dragon.
"Cool. Does he work." I asked Leo.
"No I gotta fix him. " Leo said.
"So this is why you were in the woods." I asked.
"Yea. But then I heard you scream. I knew it was you so I ran as fast as I could to get to you." Leo said then he mumbled something under his breathe. It sounded like ' I love you'.
"Leo." I said getting closer to him. I was face to face with him. He looked up.
"Yea." Leo said. Then I stood on my toes and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He finally kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist. I had to pull away to breathe.
"I like you." I said really quite. Leo kissed me again. I gasped and he slid his tongue in my mouth he massaged my tongue with his. I moaned slightly and reached up to his hair. I pulled some of his curls. He moaned. I Smiled and he nibbled on my bottom lip a little. He started to pull away. As he pulled away he sucked on my bottom lip.
"I love you." Leo said. I Smiled.
"Good. I love you to." I said. Leo smirked and leaned back down. He whispered in my ear.
" I beg I can make you scream my name." Leo whispered.
"Umph. How?" I asked. Leo nibbled on my ear lobe. He kissed behind my ear. I tilted my neck back and to the side. He smirked against my neck. He left a trail of nibbles on my neck up to behind my ear to my sweet spot. He sucked lightly on my sweet spot. I moaned a little. He did it faster.
"Leo." I moaned. He pulled away.
"Told ya." Leo said. I Smiled then kissed him. I pulled away.
"How much more time till dinner." I asked.
"We have 2 and a half hours." Leo said.
"Wanna cuddle." I asked. Leo smiled.
"Yes." Leo said then picked me up and carried me to a bed. He laid me down on the bed. He laid down beside me. I cuddled up to his chest.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you to." Leo said. He kissed my head then moved to my neck. I rolled on top of him and staired down at him. I had my knees on both sides of his hips. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned down and kissed him. He stuck his tongue in my mouth. He slipped his hands under my shirt. He starts moving his hands up then he stops and pulls them out. I quit kissing him.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Your back. Your still hurt." Leo said.
"Hey I'm fine. If you hurt me I'll tell you and you can quit." I said.
"Alright. But don't let me hurt you to bad." Leo said.
"Ok babe." I said and kissed Leo again. We kissed for about an hour and a half. The we cuddled and went to sleep for an hour. After that we headed back to camp for dinner.

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