living with a youtuber and secrats revealed part 2

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Me, piper, and annabeth walked out to save our husbands. We went downstairs. They had almost made it out of the house. Dad had Leo up against the wall holding him by his collar. Athena had Percy down on the ground. And Jason was in the air with Aphrodite trying to grab him. I walked over to my dad and got him to let go of Leo. Leo got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Dad. You can't kill Leo. I can't live without him." I said. Dad sighed and put his hand on my cheek. He kissed the top of my head. Percy came and hugged me.
"Congradulations savannah. Your going to have little people running around the house in no time. Which now that we know you pregnant you defiantly need a bigger place." Percy said.
"And Leo should get a job not you." Hephestasus said coming downstairs with the rest of the gods.
"He does have a job. I want a job to. I don't like just sitting at home all the time." I said.
"Well none of us do. It's our ADHD Savannah." Annabeth said.
"Leo still needs a job." Hephestasus said.
"Leo has a job. He has a repair shop. And we get money from our youtube videos. I just want a job." I said.
"You can't over work yourself though. When do you think the kids are going to be born?" Dad asked.
"Some time is december." I said.
"So you'll work till December then no more. You'll be here with your kids and Leo will have to work and bring in money. But since your going to have two little kids running around pretty soon we have to fix you house" dad said.
"Already on that. Me and Leo can get it done in no time." Hephestasus said.
"And me, Savannah, and piper can paint the rooms." Annabeth said.
"I can help with the paint like get it for you. Whatever you have in mind." Aphrodite said.
"Well Leo said his mom didn't like pink and neither do I. So for the girls room were going to paint it a mix of light and dark purple. And we're going to have God's symbols on both rooms and were going to need letters to spell out their names and put them on the wall. For the boys room it's going to be blue and red." I said.
"That sounds so cool." Annabeth said.
"Mind if I copy you?" Piper asked.
"No your fine. As long as I get to help." I said.
"Of course." Piper said.
"And of course you can help with mine to. I mean you are the aunt after all." Annabeth said.
"Yea what are you going to name your kids? I mean annabeth if it's a boy you can name him after my brother. Have little seaweed brain running around the house." I said. Me, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, and the Gods all laughed.
"That's not funny Savannah." Percy said.
"No your right. It's hilarious." I said and laughed again.
"Ok but really what are you going to name you kids?" Leo asked.
"I don't know. Maybe we'll come up with names when we know the gender of the baby." Annabeth said.
"Yea that sounds like a good idea." Piper said.
"Rooms are finished." Hephestasus said.
"Ready to paint babe." Leo asked.
"You girls ready to paint?" I asked.
"Yep." Annabeth and Piper said.
"I got the paint." Aphrodite said.
"And well make the letters and the symbols." Leo said.
"Ok then us girls can paint them. I want the letters to be medium size ok." I said.
"Alright we can do that. Right dad. And then make the symbols smaller then the letters." Leo asked
"Yea. So the symbols I want is really simple. And sorry but since our kids our hephestasus and Poseidon descendants there going to be a couple more of their symbols." I said.
"So what symbols do you want us to make?" Leo asked.
"Piper can you hand me that paper and pencil please?" I asked. Piper handed me the paper and I drew the symbols I wanted.
Zeus-lighting bolt
Hephestasus-fire and hammer
Ares-shield and sword
Artemis-moon and a bow
Aphrodite-heart and a dove
Hestia-four little figure like a family
Hera-three figures one being a tall woman and at her side's small boy and girl
"That looks really cool Savannah. Where did you learn to drawl and come up with them ideas so fast?" Piper asked.
"I liked to drawl when I was younger. The ideas are just their symbols with a little twist. I've been drawling their symbols my entire life." I said.
"Do you think we could do these dad?" Leo asked.
"Yea. Easy." Hephestasus said.
"Oh dad Percy I have a job for you two. Can you get me some sea shells and pretty things from the sea to put on the walls?" I asked.
"Yea we can do that." Percy said.
"Be back later." Dad said and him and Percy left.
"Ok let's get to painting." I said. Me, piper, annabeth, Athena, hera, Demeter, hestia,Artemis, and Aphrodite left to paint the rooms.Dad and Percy came back after we got done painting the room and was painting the symbols.
"Are these good Savannah?" Percy asked. I walked over and took a shell and a letter and a symbol. I put them up against the wall. Leo came and held the letter. I put the shell and the symbol around it to see how it would look like. I stepped to the other side while holding them.
"How do you like it Leo?" I asked.
"Whatever you like I like." Leo said.
"Ok. What do you all think. I need an opion to make sure it looks perfect before it all goes up." I said.
"It looks perfect Savannah. I love it. I know piper loves it. Aphrodite loves it." Annabeth said.
"Dad, Perc, what do y'all think?" I asked.
"It looks amazing. Their going to love it Savannah don't worry." Percy said.
"Thanks Percy." I said. I took the things back to the table.
"Me and Savannah are going to step out for a minute. I gotta talk to her." Leo said.
"Alright." Everyone said. Leo wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked out.
"Savannah why are you so worried. The kids are going to love it." Leo said.
"I don't know. I just want my kids to have everything. I didn't get all that. I lived on the run. I don't want my kids going threw that. I want their lives perfect." I said.
"Savannah their lives will be perfect. They have me and you as parents. We are never going to leave them and we are going to protect them. And plus our parents visit their kids and protect them now. Monsters have reduced. Don't worry no my love. They will have a perfect life. Trust me." Leo said. Then he leaned down and kissed me. He put his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked. We laughed. He kept his hand on my stomach feeling the baby kick.
"Do you really think we won't have to deal with monsters and stuff. I don't want my kids getting separated like me and Percy did. It killed me to be away from Percy." I said.
"They won't get separated I promise." Leo said and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.
"Lets go back inside." I said. Leo took my hand and we walked back in. Annabeth came and hugged me. So did Percy, piper, Jason, Frank, and hazel.
"Woah what's wrong?" I asked.
"We heard you. Savannah I'm sorry we got separated. And this is showing you how many people care about you. We all do. And nothing is going to happen to your kids. Non of our kids when their born." Percy said. After everyone let go. I gave Percy another hug.
"Thank you." I said. I stepped back.
"Savannah us God's aren't leaving you. Non of you ever again. We're here to protect you and your kids." Dad said. All the other gods nodded.
"Besides some of us protect children and woman and children as our powers remember." Artisans said.
"Yes I remember now. Stupid me." I said and laughed. Leo came and wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"See. Told you. Nothing to worry about." Leo said. I Smiled and kissed him.
"You never tell you wife that you told them so. Your lucky your cute." I said. He smiled and kissed me again.
"Sorry." Leo said. We painted the rest of the symbols and hung the stuff up.
"It looks perfect. Now all we have to do is get cradles. And rocking chairs. And toys. And tv. And baby monitors. And blankets." I said.
"We can get them tomorrow after work. We get off at 4. So Leo can meet us at the mall" piper said.
"We already have the cradle." Dad said.
"What?" I asked.
"Yours and Leo's old cradles. You don't think we just trashed them now did you. We have all your cradles. We keep them." Hephestasus said. I Smiled and hugged my dad.
"Thanks dad." I said.
"Your welcome baby girl." Dad said. I let go and walked back over to Leo.
"Thank you to everybody. We really appreciate you helping. But I am so tired. I'm going to go to bed." I said and yawned. Leo picked me up.
"Yea I say we get you to bed." Leo said.
"I can walk down the hall Leo." I said.
"I know you can. But I like carrying you." Leo said.
"Goodnight guys. Thanks again. Oh and piper can you call me in the morning to make sure I'm awake please. And if you don't I'll call you." I said.
"Yea Savannah. And if you don't answer I'll have Jason fly me here so I can beat up for not answering my phone calls." Piper said laughing. I laughed to.
"Alright. Goodnight." I said. They all disappeared.
"Ready to go to bed love." Leo asked.
"Yea." I said. I kissed Leo and he walked us to the bedroom. He set me down and I put on some pajamas. Leo put on some short. We crawled into bed. Leo put his arm around me and laid his hand on my stomach. I turned and laid on my back. Leo kissed me then went down to my stomach and talked to the babies. He kissed my stomach then we went to bed. I never get tired of how warm Leo is.

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