living with a YouTuber and secrets revealed

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"Hey guys this Mcshizzle flame boy." 20 year old Leo Valdez said. "Today we are going to be playing some minecraft here with me is Mrs. Mcshizzle water girl. Aka my wife." Leo said.
"Hey guys. So today we're going to be starting a new series. This series is going to be newly weds. Which we are. But we're going to also be newly weds in minecraft." I said.
"Yes so let's get started." Leo said and loaded the map.
"As you can see I am in a lovely wedding dress. And Leo is in a tux. So for our honeymoon were going to build a house and stuff." I said. Me and Leo played minecraft for about 3 hours.
"Alright guys that's all the time we have. We will make a new video Next Tuesday. Hope you enjoyed and stay cool peace." Leo said.
"Bye." I said. I sighed and fell back on the bed. Leo laid beside me and wrapped his arm around me. He pulled my head onto his chest. I cuddled up with him. He kissed the top of my head.
"So what do you want to do Mrs. Valdez?" Leo asked.
"I don't know Mr. Valdez." I said.
"Wanna go and talk to piper and Jason?" Leo asked. Then it hit me.
"Crap. I forgot to call piper and ask her if she's going to go work up at the school with me. I'll be right back." I said jumping off the bed. I ran downstairs and Percy was in the house. But I didn't let him in and he doesn't have a key. I threw my ring in the air and it turned into a sword.
"Don't hurt me daughter of Poseidon. It would not be wise." The person decised as Percy said.
"What do you want. And why do you look like my brother." I yelled. Leo came down the stairs.
"Ah I see the son of hephestasus is here." The thing said. It looked at us and it had solid green eyes.
"Leo don't look at it." I said covering Leo's eyes. I could feel him shut his eyes under my hand. I grabbed his hand with my other hand.
"What do you want medusa?" I asked/screamed.
"Come on daughter of Poseidon. Open your eyes. I've missed your father so much. I could have been you mom you know." Medusa said. Her snakes were on my face.
"Don't open your eyes." Leo said.
"Quite you. Now savannah. Don't you want to know where your brother is. All you have to do is open you eyes." Medusa said.
"What have you done to my brother you beast." I yelled.
"Oh feisty girl. I like that. Reminds me of me." Medusa said.
"I am nothing like you." I yelled.
"Leave my daughter alone medusa." My dad said.
"Dad." I said.
"Leave savannah and Leo alone medusa. You don't belong here." A man's voice said.
"Dad?" Leo said.
"Yea." Hephestasus said. I felt something grab me.
"Let go of me." I screamed.
"Hey it's ok it's only me." Percy said.
"Percy." I said turning and hugging him. I opened my eyes a little to make sure. It was him.
"Savannah move now." Leo shouted. Me and Percy jumped out of the way. Fire went right passed us. I opened my eyes and medusa was barbecue. I got up and everyone was their. All my friends and all the gods and goddesses. Even hera was their.
"Umm what are you all doing here?" I asked. "Oh and thanks Leo." I said.
"Anything to keep you safe." Leo said then kissed me.
"Were here because you guys just got married and you live in this dump." Dad said.
"Hey! It's a fixer upper. Not a dump." I said. Percy and dad laughed. I hit them both with water.
"Now your gonna get it." Percy said. Him and dad threw a lot of water at me. I tried to take control but I couldn't. I got soaked.
"No fair. Theirs two of you." I whined. Dad and Percy laughed.
"You started it." Percy said.
"That because you called ny house a dump. So you started it." I said.
"Did not." Percy said.
"Did to." I said.
"Not." Percy said.
"Did." I said. This went on for a while.
"Gosh brother control your immature kids." Hades said
"Hey uncle that's not nice to call me immature. Now Percy is immature but I'm not." I said.
"Alright whatever savannah." Hades said.
"So what are all you doing here." I asked.
"Well I'm here because someone forgot to call me." Piper said.
"That's not my fault. It's Leo's. He made me play minecraft with him for 3 hours." I said.
"Nice babe." Leo said.
"Love you." I said.
"You Better." Leo said. I Smiled and kissed him.
"So anyways are you going with me tomorrow?" I asked piper.
"Yea I actually got us jobs at rector preschool, elementary, or high school. It matters on where you wanna work." Piper said.
"In the preschool do they need two teachers to work together?" I asked.
"Yea." Piper said.
"Then let's do preschool so we can hang out all day and take care of little kids." I said.
"Ok well start tomorrow." Piper said.
"Alright so now that that's done. What are all of you doing here?" I asked.
"I can't believe you forgot." Dad said.
"I can. She can't even remember her own birthday." Percy said.
"Yes I can it's August 20th." I said.
"And what's today dumb dumb?" Percy said. Annabeth hit him on the back of the head.
"Savannah it is your birthday." Leo said.
"Oh well I've been a little to excited today." I said.
"Why?" Everyone but Leo asked. Leo came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Because Savannah found out that she was pregnant this morning. Has been for a while." Leo said.
"Woah Woah Woah. How long have you been pregnant?" Piper asked.
"Evidently for 5 months." I said.
"Oh my gods you still so skinny. Are you sure you have a child in there?" Annabeth asked.
"Yea actually theirs 2." I said.
"Do you know what they are?" Piper asked excitedly. Annabeth came up right beside her. Them both in front of me.
"Ones a boy and ones a girl." I said.
"Oh my gods. What are going to name them?" Annabeth squealed/ asked.
"The girls going to be named after Leo's mom. And the boy is going to be named Rhydian." I said.
"Oh my goodness I love it. We the great aunts though right." Piper asked.
"Well considering Annenberg is married to my brother she's going to be a real aunt. And yea piper you can be a cool great aunt." I said. Piper and Annenbeth squealed.
"Wait so I'm going to be an uncle. This is so cool." Percy said.
"Yea when am I going to he an aunt huh. I already planned to spoil your kids rotten." I said.
"We don't know but maybe pretty soon." Annabeth said.
"Anna are you pregnant?" I asked excited.
"Maybe." She said looking up. Now it was mine and pipers time to squeal.
"Oh my gosh when did you find out. And why wasn't I told." I said.
"Calm down we found out yesterday. She's only 2 months pregnant." Percy said.
"Ok no more fighting for you 2 girls." Athena said. She like a second mom to me now.
"Piper. Your being oddly quite. Care to explain?" I asked. Me and Annabeth stepping toward her.
"She has nothing to hid. She's not pregnant you guys." Jason said.
"Actually...." Piper said.
"What you are. Why didn't you tell me. I'm you husband?" Jason said.
"I just found out today and I was waiting for the right time to tell you." Piper said. Jason walked over and hugged her. The he kissed her. It went on for a while.
"Ok we'll umm this was all Unsuspected." Hera said.
"Our daughters are pregnant!!" Dad, Athena, and Aphrodite said.
"Run?" I asked.
"Run!" Piper and Annabeth said. We ran off grabbing Leo, Jason, and Percy. Our parents were chasing us. We ran to my and Leo's bedroom.
"Are we safe?" Percy asked.
"Not even close Jackson." Athena said from behind us.
"Protect the boys." I said.
"Savannah Jackson. Move out of the way." Dad said.
"You can't hit him if your pregnant daughter is in front of him." I said. Dad sighed in defeat.
"Your right. Athena grab her." Dad said. Athena grabbed me. Dad grabbed piper. And Aphrodite grabbed annabeth.
"Let us go!!!" We screamed. All the gods and goddesses were in the room now. Athena gave me to Hades. Aphrodite gave annabeth to Zeus. And dad gave piper to Ares. Then they turned toward the boys.
"Run?" Percy asked.
"Run stupid!!!" Leo and Jason said as they ran out the door. Percy ran after them. Our parents chasing them.
"Can you um let us go now please?" I asked. Hades set me down gently. Zeus set annabeth down. Ares set piper down.
"Lets go save them before they die." Piper said.
"Yes us women have to do everything." I said.
"Even when we're pregnant." Annabeth finished. We walked out the door to go save our husbands.

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