Truth or dare

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After dinner everyone met in the Poseidon cabin.
"So what are we going to do?" I asked.
"How about we play truth or dare." Percy said.
"Ok." Everyone said.
"Who's first." Piper asked.
"I'll go first. Percy truth or dare?" I said.
"Truth" Percy said.
"Have you and annabeth had sex?" I asked. They both blush like crazy.
"Yes." Percy said.
"Oh my brother did it with his girlfriend." I said.
"Alright. That's enough. Jason truth or dare?" Percy said.
"Dare." Jason said.
"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with piper in the closet." Percy said.
"Which one?" Jason asked.
"Percy's since it is his dare. It's the one to the left of the bathroom." I said. 7 minutes later they came out.
"Have fun." Leo said.
"Oh look piper had hickeys." I said and laughed. Jason and piper blushed. Everyone else laughed.
"Ok my turn. Nico truth or dare." Jason asked.
"Truth." Nico said.
"Who do you like?" Jason asked.
"Will Solace." Nico said.
"Ok." Jason said.
"Truth or dare? Leo." Nico said.
"Dare." Leo said.
"I dare you and (y/n) to switch cloths." Nico said. Me and Leo walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a sheet and put it between us. I took off my shirt and pants. I handed them to Leo. He handed me his shirt and shorts. His shirt hand been cut open so you could see the side and my stomach and everything.
"Hey can I umm put on a tank top under this shirt please." I asked pooking my head out the door.
"No." Nico said. I sighed and walked out and walked over to my bed. I grabbed three hair bows. I tied the sides of the shirt. And the side of the shorts so they didn't come off. I walked and sat down. Leo was wearing my tank top and crop top and my jeans. They kinda looked like skinny jeans on him. Everyone was laughing at him. I shivered.
"Gosh it cold. Can I get a coat or anything?" I asked.
"No." Nico said. Leo wrapped his arm around me and I felt heat radiating off him.
"Alright my turn. Truth or dare hazel?" Leo asked.
"Dare." Hazel said.
"I dare you and Frank to make out." Leo said. Hazel shrugged and pecked Frank on the lip.
"That was not making out." I said.
"Ugggh fine." Hazel sat in front of Frank. Grabbed the collar of his shirt and made out with him.
"Better." I said smiling.
"Alright (y/n) truth or dare." Hazel said.
"Dare." I said.
"I dare you to make out with Leo." Hazel said.
"Alright. Umm Annenberg can you hold Percy please. Jason can you help just in case." I asked. They nodded and grabbed Percy.
"Alright we got him." Jason said.
"Watch and learn hazel." I said. I sat on Leo's lap and wrapped one hand around Leo neck and used the other to grab his collar and pull him to me. We made out then I turned to look at everyone else. I saw Percy and got off of Leo. I wrapped water around Percy.
"Alright you can let go I got him. Thanks." I said to annabeth and Jason.
"Leo I'm going to kill you." Percy screamed.
"Hey she kissed me. I couldn't deny the girl what she wanted." Leo said. I Smiled.
"Percy I'm 14. Nothing to worry about bro. Kissing is as far as well go. Promise." I said. Percy claimed down. I let him go and got in front of Leo.
"Fine." Percy said. I sat down beside Leo but where I could save him if he needed it. Then this thing came out of the water. I didn't know what it was though.
"Percy, annabeth, hazel, and Frank come toward me slowly. Percy get riptide but don't turn around. I grabbed my ring and slowly walked forward. Leo grabbed me but I shrugged him off. When Percy and my friends were behind my I threw my ring up and turned it into a sword. Then I heard something.
"Don't be frightened my lady. I do not want to harm any of you. I was sent here to say that Luke is coming back in a different younger form. He will have Brown hair and be a child of Hermes. Please me safe my lady. Can you drop your weapon please my lady." It said in my head. I threw my sword and it stuck in the wall.
"Percy put your weapon up. Dad sent her." I said. Percy put his sword up. He started walking forward. The creature backed away with every step Percy took.
"Percy back up again. I think she's scared of you." I said. Percy backed up and the creature came forward.
"I cannot be around your brother my lady. I'm sorry. Your father sent me to bond with you. Meaning that I attach to you. It will look like a tattoo but when you need me I can help you." It said.
"But if you can't go near Percy then no you may not." I said.
"(Y/n) are you ok. What do you mean not come near me." Percy asked. I ignored him.
"My lady your father sent me to. If that means you have to stay away from your brother then so be it." It said and grabbed me.
"Wait what put me down. Percy help me. Please I don't want to loose Percy please let me go." I cried. The creature and me bonded. It hurt so I screamed. Everyone got pushed back. I fell in the water. Percy dived in after me. He grabbed me and pulled me up. I couldn't move.
"What was that thing." Leo asked. I blinked
"Hey she blinked. (Y/n) are you ok. Blink once for yes. Twice for no. Three times for maybe. Four times for I don't know." Piper said. I blinked three times. I moved my hands and then my arms and legs. I seen the tattoo on my arm. I scratched at it trying to get it off.
"Get off me now. I don't want you. Get off. I want to stay with Percy." I said.
"I'm sorry my lady your father told me to do this." The creature said.
"I don't care what my father said. I said get off. This is my body. My life. Now get off." I said.
"I'm sorry I cannot my lady." The creature said.
"Uggh why not." I said.
"Your father told me to protect you. This is me protecting you my lady." The creature said. I walked over to Percy and laid my head on his shoulder.
"Percy. I don't want this thing on me. Dad sent it to protect me but it can't get near you. What am I suppost to do." I asked.
"We get dad to get it off." Percy said. Then he summoned dad. Dad came.
"What do you need Percy." Dad asked.
"(Y/n) has a creature on her arm that won't let her near me. And it said you sent it." Percy said.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! It's burning me get it off!!!!!" I screamed. Dad came running over.
"I didn't send this. I can't get it off. But I know someone who can. I'll be right back. Leo Light your hands on fire and hold them close to the creature but don't burn my daughter." Dad said.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Leo said. He did as my father said. The creature started to shrivel up and come off a little. Dad came back with someone.
"Dad?" Leo said.
"Hi Leo." Leo's dad said.
"Alright hephestasus let's get this off of my daughter." Dad said.
"It started shoveling up. " I said.
"Ok I know what we need to do. Leo touch the creature on her arm with the fire. You will get a little burnt but you can heal yourself with water after." Hephestasus said. Leo did as his dad said. I screamed in pain. Leo quit.
"Don't quit keep on its almost dead. She can heal herself." Hephestasus said. Leo sighed and did it again. I screamed more. Then the creature fell off dead. I didn't worry about the burn. I just hugged Leo.
"Thank you." I whispered in his ear. I kissed his neck.
"Your welcome." Leo said out loud. He hugged me back. I got out of his grasp and my father looked mad. Leo's dad looked happy.
"Daddy. Calm down." I said. Dad looked from Leo to me. Leo had wrapped his arms around my waist.
"(Y/n) Jackson...." I thought he was going to tell me not to see Leo but he didn't. Instead he said. " Does he make you happy?" Dad asked.
"Yes." I said. Leo smiled. Dad smiled and so did hephestasus.
"Fine I'm not mad. But if you ever hurt my daughter so help me Leo I will hurt you." Dad said.
"Don't worry dad if he hurts (y/n) he'll have to deal with me." Percy said. I face palmed.
"You guys are so embarrassing." I said. Dad, Percy, and hephestasus laughed. I threw a book at Percy. It hit him in the head and they quit laughing at me and everybody laughed at Percy. Leo pulled me closer to him and smiled. I Smiled and quickly kissed him while my dad wasn't looking.
"Hey guys I'm hungry. Who wants to go get some snacks with me." I asked.
"(Y/n) you still have to heal your arm. It's still burnt." Dad said. I brought water up to me arm. I closed my eyes and it surrounding my whole body. I completely healed. I opened my eyes.
"Hey can we change back into our cloths since the games over." Leo asked.
"Who said the games over." Piper asked laughing.
"I did. I need some food and I need to get out of Leo's cloths I want my cloths back." I said. Me and Leo went back into the bathroom and changed. We came back out.
"It's so nice to be back in my own cloths." I said.
"You don't like my cloths." Leo said.
"No cause of the big holes on the sides." I said. "Lets go get some food." I said. I opened the door and got wip cream fall on me. I seen the Stoll brothers laughing.
"Your dead stolls!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran after them.

Alright guys I might add on to this plot line but I want to put different stories between you and Leo so like I said I might come back I don't know. I don't know if I will update everyday like I have been either. Their is so much homework and testing right now that I don't know if I'll be able to do that or not. Anyways. Love you guys if you want you can check out my other account. If you don't know what it is its in the last chapter. Love you guys. Stay cool. Love you guys. <3 <3 <3

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