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I was going to start the lap dances today

Ashton said that when is was done with my show for tonight I would do the floor shift

It's basically when you walk around and talk to some of the customers

Dylan does it all the time

I usually see him cuddling the customer then taking them in the private room

I just want to know why Dylan makes such weird noises

*  *  *

I was in the dressing room preparing for tonight's show

My costume for today was a pastel purple sweater the hanged above my knees, bunny ears and a tail, and white knee high socks

I matched my sweater with my purple slip ons

I'm starting to feel self conscious about myself

The butterflies in my tummy are starting to flutter

I'm nervous

I always get nervous before a show

I ran over to my locker and rummaged through it until I found the familiar blue pills

I also had a bottle of water stored away in there

The appropriate dose was about 1 pill

I took 2 today because I would be working extra


I turned around to see my best friend Ashton standing in the door way

"Hi Ash." I beamed at him

"Your on in 2 minutes."

I nodded and waited for him to disappear into the club

I sighed and took my normal 2 pills

They stung my throat but I didn't care

I walked out the locker room and onto the stage

It was me and a few other strippers that were about to perform

I closed my eyes just as the curtain was rising

Here goes nothing


I'm slowly becoming obsessed with the movie "Lucy" it was pretty damn good




Neon Haze ︎︎// muke auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora