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When I woke up I saw that it was dark in the room

I blinked a few times and saw a silhouette of a person laying on the ground

I slowly got up from the couch and decided it was best to crawl

As I got closer I realised it was Dan

It looked like he was sleeping

But I didn't hear him breathing

Maybe he isn't a person who snores

I went to grab him but something sticky was on him

I got up and attempted to find a light switch but I found a lamp instead

I turned it up a little just in case someone was going to jump out

I looked down at Dan and realised he wasn't sleeping

My heart literally fell out of my chest

He was dead

His back was covered in stab wounds

I looked at the wall and it was covered in scratches and blood

I looked at my hand then ran to the kitchen

I threw up in the sink then turned the water on

I really do hope I'm dreaming

When I heard foot steps coming from the stairs I ducked behind the island

I crawled over to the left side to poke my head out

I saw Luke

His hair was really messy and his clothes were torn

Maybe he got into a fight

I was expecting him to help Dan but he walked right pass him

Instead he went towards the front door

I heard Phil screaming

What's going on?

Luke dragged Phil into the living room and threw him on the couch

He sat on top of him to prevent him from moving

I put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming

Luke reached between the couch cushions and pulled out a knife

Phil screamed and begged for mercy

My eyes began to go blurry from all the tears

Is this some sick joke?

Luke gripped the knife with both hands and that's when I ran out

I grabbed his arms and screamed for him to stop

Phil tried to escape

I'm not sure what happened but I was pushed to the ground

I saw Phil run but Luke grabbed him and punched him in the stomach

When Phil fell down Luke stabbed him

I got up and tried to get Luke to stop

Phil screamed and cried and there was nothing I could do

He was covered in blood

His cries became desperate gargles

The last thing I heard him say was 'Dan'

It was barely above a whisper

When Phil stopped moving and screaming Luke eventually stopped

I sat there frozen and afraid

I blinked and blinked but I wasn't waking up

Luke dropped his knife and I took off running

I didn't get very far because I fell as soon as I made it to the backyard

Luke picked me up but I pushed him away

"Kitten, what's wrong?"

Is he fucking serious?

"Did you think I'm going to let that go? You just fucking killed our friends Luke! You're insane!"

I pushed him away

"Don't swear at me Michael."

He reached out to me but I smacked his hand

"Don't touch me."

I turned around to walk away

He got really angry


he's never shouted at me before

I felt tears beginning to form


I'm not going to cry

I'm done with being nice

I grabbed one of the lawn chair and smacked him in the face with it

He fell and I ran

I looked behind me and didn't see him

I didn't stop running until I reached a shopping centre

I went into the grocery store and asked for a phone

They looked at me funny but led me to the managers office

The manager handed me the phone then left the office

I dialled a number and it rang

"Hello?" he said

"Hi Ashton."

Dont hate me please

School ends tomorrow so prepare for updates

This book might even be ending soon




Neon Haze ︎︎// muke auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat