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(a/n: Welcome lovelies, this is the final chapter of neon haze. It's going to be pretty long so prepare yourselves. Keep in mind, not everyone is who you thought they were)





That's how I'm feeling right about now

I'm in this room with Calum and Luke

A weird person with a pigs mask placed two pills and a note on the table in the corner

I don't know what to do first

Interrogate Luke?

Investigate the pills?

Help Calum who's crying on the floor like a little bitch?

Or question myself for my mood swings?

I sighed out loud

I guess I'll ask Luke some questions

I got out the chair and slowly crept up on him

He was staring at the door the pig person came through

I tapped his shoulder


I took a deep breath

"How did you get here and why are you here?"

I looked at me as if I had a unicorn horn on my forehead

"What do you mean Michael?"

I ain't got time for this bullshit

"Why the fuck are you here Lucas? You brutally murdered our friends then came here looking for me. Me and Calum were only here to stop you from doing something to Ashton. So answer me Hemmings, why are you here?"

He took time to ponder the question at hand

He looked down at himself

He looked around the room

Then he looked back at me

I put my hand on my hip and stared him down

"You know what kitten?"

I rolled my eyes at him

"What Luke?"

"I actually have no fucking clue how I got here."

I slapped my forehead


"Woah now, I'm just as confused as you are man."

Neon Haze ︎︎// muke auWhere stories live. Discover now