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I was sitting in a booth by myself

Luke said he'll be here in a few minutes

I wish he was here now

A few customers keep staring at me and it's creepy

Ashton walked out from behind the stage and it looked like he was looking for me

I sank down inside the booth in efforts for him not to see me

I jumped when I heard someone clear their throat in front of the booth

It was that meanie Dylan

"Michael, I can see you."

"No you can't."

I heard him sigh then sit down beside me

I don't want to talk to him

"Michael you're acting like a child" he said while rubbing his forehead

I still did to respond to him

"Fine don't talk to me then. It's not like you haven't fucked him already."

This made me angry

I haven't 'fucked' anyone in general

I shot my head up and look him dead in the eyes

"At least I didn't fuck everyone in the strip club and gave them my STD's"

He lunged at me and started punching me in the face

It was hard for me to regain myself because we were still sitting behind the booth

I don't know what happened but we ended up outside of the booth and I was kicking and punching him like it was nothing to it

He was bleeding but I didn't care

He somehow got up and tackled me into the bar

A bottle broke and he picked it up

I tried to scurry away from him but he was too strong

He grabbed me by the hair and held the broken bottle to my neck

I screamed for Ashton but he was just watching

He betrayed me for this slut

I began to sob as Dylan bought the sharp glass to my neck

"Get the fuck off him or I'll shoot your god damn brain out."

Dylan froze and dropped the bottle

I opened my eyes, that were still blurry with tears, and tried to make out who just saved me

All I saw was a gun against Dylan's head and a man wearing a long coat

My vision was starting to adjust

That's when I saw him

My hero;

Luke Hemmings


Even as the author of this story I want to kick Dylan's ass

That piece of fucking scum (says the person who made him a character)




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