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I ate so many pancakes that I feel like I'm going to explode

Luke set up a whole pancake bar in the kitchen

There were tons of toppings and plenty of pancakes

Luke didn't eat as many as I did

He said he wanted me to have energy for tonight

He plans on taking me out somewhere today

He said wear something cute

I always look cute

I recently dyed my hair pastel pink

I really like the colour it be honest

Since Luke wanted me to look nice, I settled for a baggy sweater and a pair of black leggings

When I showed him my outfit he said he really liked it

However, he always seemed to dress to the nines

He wore a blue suit with black shoes and his hair was slicked upwards

He never told me where we were going and every time I tried to ask him he would reply with 'you'll see when we get there'

We sat in the limousine in silence while his hand was placed on my thigh

I was starting to feel uncomfortable so I decided to grab his hand instead

He smiled at my gesture and leaned in to kiss me

I really enjoy kissing Luke

The metal in his lip makes it more exciting

When the limousine finally came to an halt, I was excited to see where we were

Before I could open the door he stopped me

"Now Michael, when we go inside I want you to let me do all the talking, alright? If you feel like you have to leave then you may come back out and wait in the limo, okay? I just need to discuss a few things then we can go home and cuddle."

My eyes lit up at the word cuddle and I hugged Luke very tightly

The driver opened his door for him and Luke ran around the other side to open mine

He grabbed my hand and led me into the familiar building

The building I never thought I'd set foot inside again

Neon Haze


I feel like I haven't updated in YEARSSSSSSSSSSSS
but I'm here now so it's all good
The shit hits the fan next chapter




Neon Haze ︎︎// muke auWhere stories live. Discover now