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Luke helped me out the car then grabbed my hand

I have to admit that I am just a little nervous

I don't know what to expect in here


I looked up at him

"I was talking to you."

I didn't even here him talking

"I said I want you to stay by me at all times. You're not allowed to speak to anyone else unless I say so, okay?"

I nodded my head

He seems really nervous about this

I grabbed his hand and they were very sweaty

We walked through the gate and towards the porch

People were already staring at us

There were a few guys who were connected to a lease or had some sort of weird collar on

Are they secretly animals?

I saw a movie about that once

Luke's grip tightened on my hand and I looked up at him

He looks as pale as a ghost

Suddenly someone shouted his name

He let go of my hand and grabbed my arm instead

He pulled me inside before the guy who shouted at him could get to us

Luke pulled me all the way to the bathrooms and I saw a lot of people making out in there

Don't they have any class?

Luke looked very frustrated with them all then he snapped his finger

In a split second everyone was gone

That was pretty cool

He started pacing around the bathroom which was surprisingly nice

It had a red background with golden stalls

It wasn't real gold but it still looked nice

"For fucks sake! How could he find me here? I thought he was gone forever. Damn!" Luke shouted

"Who are you talking about Daddy?"

He looked at me then all his frustration seemed to melt away

He walked over to me then kissed my forehead

"No one kitten. Now let's go socialise ever though I'll be doing most of the talking."

I nodded again then followed him out the bathroom

Luke looked a little paranoid as we were walking around but sighed in relief when he saw his friend

At least I assumed he was his friend

"Phil! I'm over here man!"

This 'Phil' guy turned around and grabbed some other guy

He rushed over to us and nearly fell

He's very clumsy

Neon Haze ︎︎// muke auWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt