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Everything was pitch black

My mind is all fuzzy and I can't think properly

I can see the ground moving

Is this real life? Or just a fantasy?

Maybe I'm sleeping and this is a dream

I heard a door being opened and I was thrown onto something fluffy

Maybe a giant marshmallow

I tried to move my arms but I couldn't

They were stuck behind my back

I tried moving my legs

They were stuck together

Maybe if I scream, I'll wake up

There was something in my mouth that prevented me from speaking

I was starting to regain my mind and I slowly started to realise that this wasn't a dream

I heard footsteps coming out of a room and a tall silhouette of a man

I squinted my eyes but still couldn't see who it was

The room was so badly lit

I started squirming around on the bed and trying to get out of all these restraints

The man went over to small nightstand and flicked on a light

He wasn't a very tough looking guy

He had dark brown hair with blonde streaks and a few tattoos

He was wearing a grey tank top and some skinny jeans

He just looked at me with sorry eyes

He finally spoke

"I'm sorry I had to do this, buddy."

I tried to speak but forgot about the weird red ball in my mouth

"My names Calum by the way. You're probably wondering why I kidnapped you."

I nodded

"Well, I received a call from an anonymous man saying to pick up a package and take it to this location. At first I refused but he threatened to kill me if I didn't do what he asked. I still denied but he said he knew my family and was going to attack them. I couldn't let that happen."

He looked at me to see if I was listening

I was laying on my back, straining my neck to look at him

He smiled sheepishly and picked me up so that I was sitting on my butt and removed the red ball from my mouth

I let in a gust of air and stared at him

"You don't have to be afraid of me mate, I had no idea the package was going to be you. If I would have known, I would have lied and told him he has the wrong guy."

"So are you like, a criminal from the movies?"

"Not exactly. I'm like a delivery man. I pick up a package and drop it off, no questions asked. That's how I support my family."

I nodded and looked around the room

It looks like a hotel room

"Where exactly are we?" I asked

"If I was able to tell you I would."

We sat in silence for another moment

"What's your name?" Calum said

"My name is Michael."

"Ok Michael, we-"

I heard footsteps coming from outside

He looked at me an panicked expression and grabbed the red ball and shoved it back into my mouth

He pushed me down on the bed then quickly got up and turned off the lamp

The door swung open, exposing another man

"H-Hey the package is right over there."

Calum pointed over to where I was lying down

The man handed him some money and Calum looked at me with so much guilt in his eyes

He finally left the hotel room without speaking another word to the mysterious man

The man walked closer to me and reached for my thigh

I quickly squirmed away

I heard him chuckle and he sounded so familiar

When he flicked on the light I nearly had a heart attack

It was Dylan


Wham bam turkey and ham




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