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I woke up feeling tired and quite sore

And I wasn't in my usual bed

I looked around then I remembered last nights events

Me and Luke did the frickle-frackle

It was quite enjoyable to be honest

I still have no idea what exactly he was doing but I liked it

I want him to do it again

Maybe I'll ask him what it is he did to me, so I can do it myself

I rolled out of the comfy bed and walked into the hallway

All the doors made everything confusing

I opened about half of them before I spotted the back of his head

He was looking at his computer screen

I cleared my throat and he turned around to look at me

"Hi Michael, how are you feeling?"

I blushed then replied, "I'm doing fine, just a little hungry."

He nodded then got up from his chair

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"Anything you have is fine."

He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs

His house was really huge

I wonder where he works

Soon we arrived in what I believe was the kitchen

"Take a seat Michael, I'll make you some pancakes."

I grinned from ear to ear

"Oh my gosh, I love pancakes! What kind of pancakes? Blueberry? Strawberry? Red velvet? I've haven't ha-"

Luke cut me off by pecking me on the lips

I blushed furiously and looked at the ground

"How about I just set up a pancake bar?"

I shot my head up and basically almost tackled him to the ground

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"I love hearing you say 'yes' Michael."

That kind of went over my head but that was alright, I was too busy having a outburst of happiness

I sat down on the counter and swung my legs while watching Luke cook

My question popped back into my head and now was the perfect time to ask him


He turned around and raised his eyebrows

"Yes kitten?"

"Do you remember what we did yesterday?"

He nodded

"What exactly did you do?"

His expression changed to a amused one

"Do you want me to say it bluntly?"

I nodded

"I fucked you."

"What does that mean exactly?"

He chuckled

"It means had sexual intercourse with you."

I blushed madly

I had sex with Luke

"Does it make you tired when you have sex Luke?"

"Sometimes it does. It depends on how animalistic we get."

"I don't like you being tired Lukey. C-Can maybe t-try f-fucking myself?"

He dropped his spatula

"Jesus Christ you're adorable Michael."

He walked to where I was siting on the counter and spread my legs so he could stand between them

I wrapped arms around his neck

"You said you want to fuck yourself?"

I gulped and nodded

He leaned in closer

"Let me hear you say it Michael."

I looked down and he lifted my chin up, making me look him in the eye

"Say it kitten."

He trailed his hands down to my thighs and started drawing random patterns on my skin

This made me feel funny

"I-I want to f-fuck myself L-Lukey."


Sorry if I take long to update




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