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I woke up to the feeling of something licking my face

I didn't wake up at first because I was a little scared

When the kept licking my face I slowly opened my eyes

I let out a manly screech and Luke came running in the room with a spatula


I burst out laughing and his worried expression slowly faded away

"No, but thanks for asking."

I like looked at Luke who, as I just realised, was wearing an pink apron with white polka dots

"Nice apron Lukey."

He looked down and blushed, ripping it off in a flash

"In all seriousness why did you scream?"

"Something was licking my face and I didn't know what it was."

He chuckled which escalated into a whole laughing fit

I just sat there awkwardly as he was dying of laughter

Once it had died down he came and sat on the bed with me

I was beyond confuzzled

He looked under the bed and pulled out a ball of fluffiness

When it purred I had a heart attack and nearly fell off the bed

"Are you seriously scared of a kitten Michael?"

"I'm not scared", I said while crossing my arms, "I was just startled."

"Then why did you scream?"

"It was a manly battle cry of manliness."

He just shook his head and handed me the ball of fur

It kind of resembled a furby

I was terrified of furbies

I was about to panic again but it yawned and opened its eyes

Holy goat cheese and crackers, it was so adorable

Luke watched as I snuggled the kitten and completely forgot about his presence

"When your done cuddling with Mylo, I have some pancakes ready for you downstairs."

I jumped up, with Mylo still in my hands, and ran downstairs with caution

I heard Luke laughing and saying how adorable I was as I almost killed myself for pancakes

When I got there I put Mylo down and gasped at the whole pancake buffet Luke prepared

When he walked into the kitchen I pounced on him and told him how thankful I was

"You can thank me later kitten." He said with a wink

I blushed and grabbed a plate

Today was going to be a good day


Kitten meets kitten, does that count as kittenception? I think it does


I have a new book posted called "Lukey's Groupie" and it's basically about Michael becoming their official 'groupie' aka low key sex slave

Go check it out if you like and ya know, give it a thumbs up (vote)




Neon Haze ︎︎// muke auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora