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"I can't believe I'm finally doing this," Harry said, loading his last bag into the trunk of his mum's car.

"I just can't believe you're finally leaving Holmes Chapel," I said back to my best friend, who was getting ready to leave with his mum and sister to go try out his voice on the X Factor. "You are the one who used to always say you couldn't wait to leave this place."

It was true. Harry, my best friend since middle school, always spoke of leaving this tiny little depressing town. Maybe it was because I was his only friend here, and him for me. Harry and I weren't exactly popular.

Harry wore big glasses, clothes that looked like they were from two whole decades ago, and his naturally curly hair gelled back onto his head. My style wasn't any better. My frizzy and unmanageable brunette hair was always thrown up into a messy, far from perfect ponytail. I never wore brand name clothes or shoes, and I rarely ever wore very much makeup.

Maybe this whole Harry trying out for the X Factor thing wasn't such a bad idea. Well, for him at least. He got to go to a brand new city where he could start all over and nobody knew his name. Plus, he's getting a once in a life time shot at fame.

And what do I get out of all of this? Nothing. My only friend was leaving me, forcing me to have to go through my senior year of high school by myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of Harry. He's super brave for wanting to try out, and I know he has a shot at this. Harry is the greatest singer I know.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye then," Harry said, shifting on his feet.

"I guess so," I said glumly, staring at the ground.

"I guess if all fails, I'll be back in just a few days," he said, letting out a little laugh.

"Harry, don't say that," I said. "I know you are going to do amazing." I said firmly, looking him straight in the eyes.

He took a step forward before engulfing me into a huge hug.

"Please don't forget about me," I said quietly into my best friend's chest.

"I would never do that. You mean way too much to me." Harry let go of the hug and slowly walked towards the car where his sister and mum were already waiting inside.

"You better call me," I said firmly. "And email."

Harry smiled at me, opening the car door. "Don't worry. In fact, I'll call you right when I get to the hotel tonight, if I'm not too busy," he laughed.

"You better, Styles, or else," I threatened jokingly.

"Bye, Faith. I'll see you soon." He climbed into the car and closed the door. I waved at him until I couldn't see the little car anymore.

"Good luck, Harry," I said quietly to myself.

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