Chapter 1.

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"Fath? Could you come here? I need you to do me a favor," My mum hollered from down the stairs. 

I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen where my mum was sitting at the table with her laptop open. 

"What do you need?" I asked her once I was standing infront of her.

"I need you to run to the store for me and get a few things. Here, I made a short list," she handed me a small piece of paper with a few things written on it. 

"Okay, I'll be back later," I said to her, grabbing the car keys and going out to our car that was parked outside of the house. I drove to the store with the radio playing quietly in the background. 

"Harry Styles and his band One Direction are rumored to be spending time in his hometown, Holmes Chapel," the radio announcer casually said. I had to slam on my breaks to stop myself from hitting the car infront of me. It couldn't be true, could it? Harry came back?

Harry left over a year ago for his audition. He promised he wouldn't forget about me. He said he'd call, and email, and write. But he never did. I was left by myself back here in boring old Holmes Chapel while he lived his dream traveling the world. I watched him on the news, watched how much he's changed over the past year.

He stopped gelling his hair back, and started letting his curls go loose. He doesn't wear those weird clothes he used to wear. Now, he's wearing name brand, modern clothes. And he ditched the glasses. Needless to say, Harry was hot now, and so was his band. And every girl was obsessed with them. 

I've changed too within the past year. I let my hair go loose down my back most of the time, I also started caring a little more about what I wear. Not that I was hot by any means. In fact, I don't think I'm even pretty.

All I know is that Harry was the last person I wanted to see.

I got to the store, parked, and walked inside. Grabbing a basket, I looked at the first thing on the list: eggs. I walked over to the dairy section and took a carton of eggs. I walked around the store a little more, finding the different things on the list. I looked at the last item: bananas. I went to the fruits and vegetables section, and stopped in my tracks.

There were probably thirty teenage girls, all about my age, 17, or a little younger. They were all following around these two boys that also looked about my age. Typical sluts in this town. I shook my head, and walked over to grab my bananas.

"Could you girls please give Niall and I some space? We just want to get our food," a familiar voice yelled from where all the girls were. 

I snapped my head up to look at the two boys. At the same time though, the one with curly hair and the familiar voice looked at me too. Before I could even think about what I was doing, I dropped my basket of groceries and ran for the exit of the store. I couldn't believe it. I just saw Harry for the first time in over a year.

I ran out of the store, and in the direction of my car. I heard fast footsteps behind me, that were closer to me. I turned my head just a little bit to see Harry running behind me. I tried to run faster, but ended up tripping over my feet, and fell flat on the ground. I quickly stood up, and tried to keep running, but a hand reached out and grabbed me by my arm. 

"Faith?" Harry asked. "Are you okay?"

I didn't look at him, or answer his question. He sighed heavily.

"Look, Fatih, I'm sorry. About everything."

"Then why didn't you bother even trying to contact me? You promised you wouldn't forget about me, Harry, but you did. You lied." And with that, I yanked my arm out of his hold, and continued running to my car. Only this time, Harry didn't follow me. 

I drove home quickly, trying to do anything but think about Harry. Finally, I drove into my driveway, and ran inside my house closing the door and locking it behind me. 

"Faith?" My mum asked concerned, coming to where I was standing infront of the door. "Why didn't you bring me home my groceries?" Shit. I left the basket of them in the middle of the stupid grocery store. 

"Er, they were closed," I lied. My mum just nodded her head, and walked off back to what she was doing, believing my lie. 

I went up the stairs to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I pulled out my laptop, and searched for someone that I've looked up hundreds of times before. Harry Styles. 

I searched through all the pictures of him, feeling a pang in my chest. Of course I wanted to be friends with him again, I missed Harry. But there was one major thing holding me back from reaching out to him again. I didn't want him to find out my secret that I was hiding from everyone except my mum. 

I had cancer. And I was going to die soon.

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