Chapter 3.

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*Faiths P.O.V.*

Today was the day I was going to hang out with Harry. I really didn't want to. I was going to meet the boys, who I heard were very energetic and crazy. Great.

Harry was going to pick me up in about an hour. I opened my closet to reveal all my clothes. I decided to pick a coral dress with white sandals. I headed to the bathroom and applied little makeup. I then decided to curl my hair. When I was finished I waited for Harry to arrive.

I waited about fifteen minutes until there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door there was a tall boy in a plain white shirt and black pants. He was wearing converse that I liked on him. His curls were plopped on his head but still looked nice.

"Hey, you ready to go and meet the boys and my mum?" Harry asked me smiling.

"Yea sure whatever," I knew I should be nice to him, but I really didn't want to.

"You look very nice."

"Thank you."

We got into his nice car and drove off. It was very awkward in the car, silent the whole way. I was glad because I really didnt want to make conversation with him. We arrived at a very big house. I got out of the car and walked up to the door. Harry came up behind me and unlocked the door. We walked in and inside it looked very cozy.

"I'm home!" Harry yelled through the house. There was no answer. All of a sudden 4 very attractive guys came running in. Once they saw me they all stopped in their tracks. Their mouths dropped open.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Harry, who is the beauty?" The blonde boy asked while kissing my hand.

"She's a friend" Harry said giving the blonde a glare.

"Hi I'm Niall!" The blonde said to me.

"Hi my name is Faith." After Niall stepped back a boy with short buzzed hair came up and introduced himself.

"Hello my name is Liam." After Liam stepped back a boy with a black quiff came up.

"My name is Zayn." I could tell he was the quiet one. And last a cute boy came up.

"My name is Louis. Are you Harrys girlfriend?" He asked. I could feel my face turn deep red.

"Ahhhh she's blushing!" Niall exclaimed.

"Back off guys, she's just a friend!" Harry said obviously mad.

"Sorry mate."

"Well you met the boys do you want to meet my mum now?" Harry asked me.


"Will we be seeing you again Faith?" Niall asked.

"Yes of course!" I smiled back at Niall. I could tell that we would be best friends.

"Bye guys!"


We walked down the hallway to where the kitchen was.

"She's going to be happy to see you," Harry said smiling.

"I can't wait to see her." We walked through the doorway and saw her sitting at the table typing away on her laptop.

"Mum, someone is here to see you!" She looked up from her screen to where Harry and I were standing.

"AHH! Faith, sweet heart! I missed you so much! You look amazing, very pretty!"

I smiled at the pretty part. Was I really pretty? No, she was probably just saying that.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Styles."

"Faith please call me Anne."

"Okay Anne. I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too sweetheart! Since Harry saw you yesterday he didnt stop talking about you." I blushed at that statement.

"It was very interesting to see Harry yesterday."

Anne chuckled, "well that's Harry for you!"

"Anne it was very nice to see you but I should get going."

"alright sweet heart! Stop by more often ok?"

"Of course! Harry come on, let's go." Harry came over with a cupcake in his hand. He smiled at me showing his dimples. He really hasn't changed but I still won't forgive him. Yet. I couldn't, because of my...situation.

We got into the car and headed towards my house.

"Thanks for letting me meet the boys and see your mum again."

"No problem." Harry said as he kept his eyes on the road. He then faced me.

"It seems like Niall fancied you."

I laughed at that. "Yea his eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me."

Harry laughed "Yea Niall is the best!" We pulled at my house and I gathered my stuff.

"It was fun to spend time with you Faith."

"You too Harry."

"Please just give me one more chance, Faith. "

"Harry I'm sorry but you and I both changed and I think it will be the best for us to not be friends." I couldn't tell him the reason why.

"I'll call you," he said calmly.

"Ok bye." I got out of the car and walked up to my house. Harry drove away and I put my head on the door. It was a long day.

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