Chapter 4.

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a/n hey guys!! OMG 30 reads!!! I know that's not a lot to you guys but it's a lot to me. We just started this book a couple of days ago so thanks for reading! Hope you like it!!


*Harrys P.O.V.*

"Come on, pick up the phone Faith," I said to myself. Yesterday went pretty well. I think Faith liked the boys. Niall just wouldn't stop talking about Faith. I need to tell him that she's mine. I have to admit Faith has changed, her personality and her appearance. She's beautiful.

"Hello?" Faith answers.

"Hey Faith, it's Harry. "

"I know," she said. I could almost see her smiling on the other line.

I chuckled. "Um, do you want to go get lunch today? And maybe walk around the park for a little bit?"

There was silence for a little bit. "Faith, are you there?"

"Um, yeah, sorry. I'd love to go. " I knew Faith well enough to know she was blushing.

"I'll pick you up in an hour then," I said.

"Okay, see you then," she said.

I hung up the phone and did a little happy dance.

"Woah mate, what's making you so happy?" asked Liam as he walked in.

"Oh, I'm just going to get lunch with Faith and go walk around the park."

"Sounds fun," Liam said.

"I know." I couldn't help the stupid smile that came onto my face.

"So how did you meet Faith?" Liam asked.

"We were best friends since middle school. Then I went off for the X-Factor and I lost contact with her. I'm trying to get her to be friends with me again. But for some reason, she just won't forgive me. Am I doing something wrong?"

"I'm not sure mate, but if I were her, I wouldn't be so eager to forgive you either."

"Thanks, Liam, you really are a big help," I said sarcastically.

"Just being honest, lad. "

"I know, it just seems she's not telling me something. Like there's a reason why she isn't forgiving me."

"Just go with the flow Harry. Im sure she will come around."

"Thanks, mate. Well, I got to go pick her up." I grab my car keys and start to head out the door.

"Hey Harry! Don't you want to put some clothes on?" yelled Liam from where he was standing. I look down and notice I'm in my boxers still. I run up to my room and put on a simple black shirt and pants, and run a quick comb through my hair to fluff up my curls.

"Thanks Liam," I sad as I ran past him and out the door.


I walk up to Faith's house and knock on the door. She opened the door and my heart stopped. She was wearing a yellow sun dress and she had straightened her hair. She looked amazing.

"You ready to go?" I asked her after recovering.

"Yeah let me just grab my purse"

She grabbed her purse and walked out the front door. We got into my car and drove to my favorite little diner. Once we got there, we got a table and the waiter came over.

"Hello, my name is Dave and I will be serving you today. What would you like to drink?" the waiter said politely.

"I'll just have a water," Faith said politely with a smile. God I love that smile. I always have. Even when she had braces.

"Harry?" Faith asked, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'll just have water too." The waiter left to grab our drinks.

"So how have you been?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Pretty good. How about you?"

"Just living my dream. I love everything about it. The boys, the music, the traveling, the fans."

"Anything you hate about it?"

"Well I don't really like the paparazzi, but I guess that's what you have to go through when you are famous."

"I can't imagine how annoying it must get." The waiter came back over with our drinks.

"Are you guys ready to order?" our waiter asked.

"I'll have the chicken tenders please" Faith said.

I laughed. "Chicken tenders? Really?"

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" She said with a smile.

I laughed again, "No, it's just funny! I'll have the burger with no onions please."

"Coming right up," the waiter said cheerfully and walked away. The food came out quickly, and we both ate making casual conversation. Once we were finished, the check came, and I saw Faith get her purse out.

"No, I'm paying for this. Put your money away," I said as I grab the bill.

"Harry please, at least let me pay for some of it." she said, reaching for the bill again. I pulled it even farther out of her reach.

"Did you forget who I am?" I asked smiling. She rolled her eyes and put her wallet away. I payed for the check and we walked out. It was a beautiful day, so we walked over to the park and sat on a bench near the lake.

"Nice day isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is," Faith agreed.

"I had fun today again, Faith."

"Me too." I just then started to stare at her. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. She was perfect.

When everything seemed like it was going perfect, a bunch of flashes went off, one after the other. The paparazzi found me.


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