Chapter 8

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A/N hey guys this chapter might suck. Idk. I hope it doesn't. Thanks for voting!! Love you!!


*Faiths P.O.V.*

'We have to start chemo soon.' Kept playing in my head over and over again. Is it really getting worse? I don't want to lose my hair! I'm going to be ugly when I'm bald! I am crying. I just can't stop the tears right now.

'I need to just forget about it.' I tell myself. Maybe I can go to Harrys house. Him and the boys usually get me to forget things.

I drive to Harrys house and I don't see any cars out front. That's weird. I walk up and knock on the door. Instead of seeing the curly hair boy I know I see a familiar looking blonde.

"Hey faith," Niall says.

"Hey Niall, umm is Harry here? He asked earlier if he wanted to hang out but I uhh.. had to do something."

"Oh he's not here and neither are the other boys. They all went to go record some songs."

"Why aren't you with them?"

"I wasn't feeling very good"

"Oh well can I come in?"

"Yea sure!" I walk into the house and sit on the comfortable couch. I still keep remembering what the doctor said. Niall must of noticed my sad look.

"Faith, what's wrong?" Niall sits next to me looking worried. What do I tell him? I can trust him but I haven't told anyone about my cancer except my mom.

"Nothing just tired"

"Well I know that's a load of bullshit" Niall says still looking worried. I was taken back by his use of language but I let it go.

"Niall I'm fine!"

"No Faith, your not. I can tell"

"How can you tell?"

"Well you have a sad look on your face and your eyes don't sparkle like they usually do"

"I uhh... I can't tell you." I say as the tears roll down my cheeks.

"Faith you can tell me anything. You can trust me. I'm your best friend besides Harry." Niall said with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Ok but you can't tell anyone! Not even Harry. I can't tell him just yet."

"Ok I promise."

I take a deep breathe and tell Niall my deepest secret. "I have cancer Niall."

His mouth completely dropped and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"Bu-but... Wait what!?!" Niall says completely shocked.

"I have to start chemo soon. I'm going to be bald Niall! BALD!! Im going to be ugly!!" I cry. Niall grabs me and pulls me into a hug. I sob onto his shoulder. Usually I'm not like this but for some reason I can't hold it in anymore. I need to let it out.

"Shhh it's ok. It's ok." Niall says softly while stroking my hair. "Faith you will always be beautiful with or without hair."

"Niall but I want to be able to have a relationship!! What guy is going to like me if I have no hair!?!"

"Harry will I know it! But Faith, remember that I will always be there for you. You can trust me and I will be the shoulder you cry on."

"Thanks Niall but I don't think Harry will like me. I haven't forgiven him yet and he can have any girl in the whole wide world!! He wants someone with hair."

"Faith trust me, Harry likes you. He won't stop talking about you. Maybe you should forgive him and maybe tell him about your cancer. He will understand."

I yawn and my eyes get heavy. I've had a long day. "Niall can I please sleep here."

"Of course love." After he said that I fall deeply in sleep.

*Nialls P.O.V.*

Cancer. Oh my god. Why do the worst things happen to the best people!! I was so mad! Faith was sleeping on my shoulder and I try to not move. Stupid cancer. She's worried about not being beautiful. She will always be beautiful. I know Harry will still love her. I hear the front door close and my 4 pals walk in. I put my finger up to my mouth telling them to be quiet.

"Awww you guys are so cute!" Louis whispers.

"We are just friends," I say back making sure Harry can hear. I don't want to start anything. He just gives me a glare.

I can feel Faith start to stir and she flutters her eyes open.

"Hey," she says with a smile.

"Hey, people are here to see you," I saw nodding my head to the boys.

"Woah hey guys! When did you get here?" Faith says while giggling.

"We just got here. How long have you been here?" Harry asks.

"Idk I was taking to Niall and I fell asleep. I better get home."

"I'll carry you to your car," Harry offers while picking Faith up bridal style. Once Harry closes the door I let out a sigh.

"Whats wrong mate?" Liam asks.

"Oh nothing just tired," I said using the same excuse Faith used.

"Oh ok," Liam said heading to the kitchen. Does he really not see how much I'm hurting? Faith is battling something that she might lose against.

"What were you guys talking about?" Louis asks

"Uhhh just usual stuff," I lie.

"We all know that Harry likes Faith. He's going to kick your ass if you don't stop flirting with Faith," says Zayn.

"Zayn, me and Faith are just friends. Nothing happ-"

"I am going to kick his ass!" Harry says yelling while shutting the door.

"Harry please! We are just friends and she fell asleep on my shoulder! She's going through a lot!" I say trying not to start anything.

"What the hell were you guys talking about!?!" Harry yells at me.

"I can't tell you. I promised Faith. Don't you see that something is wrong with her though Harry?!" I say back at him. I don't want to start anything with my best friend but I'm going to protect Faith.

"Niall what did she say to you!?" Harry said obviously sounding frustrated.

"Why don't you go ask her Harry?"

"I'll be back," Harry says grabbing the keys and running out the front door.

A/N hey guys! I know that this chapter sucked! I'm sorry! I just wanted to update. Please tell me what you think of the story. Please vote and comment! Thanks guys so much!!

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