Chapter 10

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A/N SURPRISE CHAPTER!! I wasn't going to update but I love you guys so I will! It might be shorter than usual


*Harrys P.O.V.*

I look over to Faith and see that she passed out. Oh shit! I shake her but she doesn't wake up. Oh shit oh shit oh shit!! I press on the gas even more and run a red light. I don't care as long as I get Faith help.

I see the sign that says hospital and I turn in. I race over the speed bumps not caring how fast I'm going. I park in front of the hospital and get out. I run to the passengers side and grab Faith bridal style. Her face is turning white and her breathing isn't normal. Oh god help me! I run in sweating and panting.

"HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!!" I scream out.

"Sir is there a problem?" The lady at the desk asked me.


"Ok sir calm down the doctor is coming."

"I WILL NOT FUCKING CALM DOWN. SHE HAS A BRAIN TUMOR AND SHE NEEDS HELP NOW!" Before the nurse can respond the doctor came running in with a stretcher.

"What's wrong!"

"I don't know! She told me she had a brain tumor and then she fell asleep! When she woke up she said her head hurts so I brought her here. On the way she passed out."

"Ok come with us and we are going to run some tests," the doctor said calmly running into a room. I followed him.

They wheeled Faith into this room and connected this heart machine to her. The nurses start to inject her with all these fluids. Tears were coming down my face. I don't usually cry but seeing Faith like this makes me cry..

"Sir you can go sit over there. She is stable. She should be waking up soon."

"Ok what's wrong with her?"

"We aren't sure yet but the tests will give us some answers."

"Ok thank you," I say heading over to my chair. I sit down and put my head in my hands. Faith please wake up. I hate seeing her in the condition. I just want her to wake up

*Faiths P.O.V.*

I wake up and find myself in a hospital bed. What the fuck? I look over to see Harry sleeping in a chair. What's going on?

"Harry?" I whimper. He starts to stir.

"Harry!" I say a little louder. He wakes up and looks at me. His eyes are red. From crying? He jumps from his seat and runs to me. He talks my hand in his.

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. Ok I guess. I'm in a fucking hospital bed for gods sake!" I yell not caring about the head ache I was feeling.

"I know I know. It's going to be ok." Harry tries to sooth me not surprised by my outburst.

"What happened?" I had no idea how I got here.

"You passed out in my car on the way here."

Before I could respond the doctor came in.

"Ahh Faith I see that you are awake! How are you feeling?" The doctor asked me. I looked at Harry and he was looking at the ground.

"My head hurts" I say turning back to the doctor.

"Yes and I have some bad news about that." I sigh and Harrys head shoots up.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked for me.

"Well the tumor keeps spreading. That's why you passed out. We need to start chemo tomorrow or the tumor can spread over your whole brain." I let out a cry and tears start to come down my face. Harry lets out a sigh and looks at the ground again.

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