Chapter 6

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a/n hey guys! Sorry we haven't updated in a while! We've been kind of busy. Well we have 89 reads!! I can't believe it!! Thanks soooo much for reading!! I hope you like! Please vote and comment.



*Faith P.O.V.*

We drove up to the familiar house I visited a couple of days ago. I'm glad I get to see the boys again. I really liked them. They take my mind off of... my disease. I also get to see Anne. She is so sweet!

We walked in the house and all four of the boys came running in.

"Faith!" They all said excitedly in unison. I laughed at that.

"Hey guys." I said, smiling.

"We missed you," Niall said with a bright smile.

"You mean you missed her Nialler" Louis said smirking. Niall face turned red. I smiled awkwardly. I turned and looked at Harry and he was giving Niall a glare. What is up with him?

"What's up, Harry?" I asked catching him off guard.

"Oh, nothing. Forget it. Lets just go into the game room."

"I love video games!"

"A girl liking video games? That's different," Liam said with a confused look on his face.

"I grew up with boys. I bet I can beat all of you in Mario Kart," I challenged.

"I'll take that challenge," Niall said with a smirk. We walked into the large game room with several different TVs and different game consoles. I was in paradise. I guess the boys noticed my amazed look because they were all staring at me. I blushed

"Come on let's go Faith. I'm gonna beat you so badly!" Niall said to me. I ran toward the Wii and turned it on.

"You ready Niall?"

"Let's do this." We started the game and picked our characters. I was Mario and Niall was Luigi. We began the race. I was in first and Niall was right behind me.

"Watch out for that banana Niall," I yell as I throw the banana on the road.

"You cheater!" He grabbed my controller and started controlling my person. He made me run into all of the walls on purpose.

"You're the one that's cheating," I said as I tried to grab my controller back. The race ended as me in 11th place and Niall in 12th place.

"You are so unfair," I said with a smile.

"Nope," Niall said with a smile.

*Nialls P.O.V.*

Faith is here, and I'm so excited! She is so much fun to be with, plus she is beautiful. Her eyes just sparkle in the sun and her hair is long and wavy. She's perfect. The last time she visited I was shocked on how beautiful she was. I guess Harry noticed and he told me to back off. How can I though? They are just friends. Why is Harry so protective? I don't know and I don't really care.

When Faith said she loved video games I knew she was my kind of girl. I challenged her to a game of Mario Kart. I grabbed her controller and started to play as her and making her hit the wall. I didn't realized that no one was playing as me so I got last place. Whatever, at least I got to tease Faith.

"You are so unfair," Faith said smiling. Wow that smile

"Nope." I gave her my famous smile. I guess we just stared, smiling at each other. I could feel someone else staring at me. I turned around to see Harry glaring at me. I ignore it. Me and Faith are just friends. He doesn't need his panties in a bunch.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

'God Niall why can't you just listen to me,' I say to myself as I stare at Niall and Faith flirting it up. I told him to stay away from her. She's mine. Well she was mine, until I had to lose contact with her.

'It's your fault Harry that she's not forgiving you.' I walked over to where Faith and Niall were laughing and having fun.

"Hey mate," Niall said smiling.

"Yea hey mate," Faith said laughing trying to imitate Niall.

I smile "Hey Niall can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." We walked over to where no one was.

"What's the problem?" Niall asked

"I told you to stay away from her."

"I thought you guys were just friends," Niall said putting his hands up.

"You know damn well I like her."

"Sorry, I just challenged her to a game."

"Yea but then it turned into flirting session."

"If you want her, then why are you over here talking to me? You go and flirt with her"

"Niall you can be friends with Faith but I'm going to try to get her to be mine."

"That's all we are mate. Trust me." I walk past Niall with a forced smile on my face. I sit down next to Faith.

"What was that about?" Faith asked.

"Nothing. Management just called me and I had to tell Niall what they said." I lied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay" She said, not asking any more questions. Thank god. Faith yawned and laid her head down on my shoulder. I smiled. She was so cute when she was sleepy.

"Are you tired?" I asked. She nodded and I picked her up. She nuzzled her head into my neck and I smiled.

"I'm gonna take her home now," I said quietly to the boys. They all nodded. I took her out to the car and buckled her seat belt. I went around to the drivers side and got in. I drove her to her house and carried her inside. No one was home. I walked her upstairs and laid her on her bed, kissing her on the forehead before I left. I got in my car and laid my head on the steering wheel.

There was only one name running through my mind. Faith.

A/N: Don't forget to follow us on twitter: @eatdirtstyles and @Eat_Dirt_Tommo

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