Chapter 7

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*Faiths P.O.V.*


I was in the doctors office. My leg was bouncing. Something was wrong with me. I could feel it. My head hurts and everything is spinning.

The nurse called me in and asked questions. The doctor then came in. He was big and really scary. In his hand was a huge needle.

"This isn't going to hurt a bit" he said plunging it into my arm.

The pain was horrendous! It all goes black.

I wake up to be found on a surgeons table.

"Wh-whats going on," I whisper. In the corner of the room I see the doctor.

"Faith you have a brain tumor and we have to get out now"

"No! That's impossible! No no! I don't have a tumor! You are lying!" I scream

"I'm sorry Faith but I'm going to have to cut off all your hair now."

"No I won't let you!" The doctor then lunges at me. While holding me down he cuts my hair and it falls to the ground. I scream at the top of my lungs but no one hears me. Once all my hair was off I started to cry.

"Shhh I'm going to cut open your head now and take out the tumor"

"Don't you have to put me to sleep?"

"No no! That would take to long! Just close your eyes and go through the pain." The doctor was about to cut open my head before I woke up screaming.

My hands were sweaty and sweat dripped down my forehead. 'It was just a dream,' I tell myself. Only I do have a brain tumor and today I have a doctors appointment.

I look at the clock on my nightstand. It reads 10:22 A.M. My appointment is at 12. I sigh and get out of bed.

I walk into the kitchen and see I have a miss call from Harry. Surprise surprise! I call him back and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello?" A familiar British voice said into the phone.

"Hey it's Faith! I just got your missed call. What's up?"

"Oh well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again today. I mean just us."

"Oh well..." I start to say. What do I tell him? I can't tell him I have a doctors appointment. He will get suspicious. "Umm I'm sorry Harry but I have uhh plans."

"Oh uhh ok. When will you be back?"

"Ummm around 3. We can hang out then. Maybe see a movie?"

"Sounds good! Ill see you then!"

"Ok bye Harry."

"Bye Faith."

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I knew something was up. The way she said she had "plans" didnt sound right. I just want her to tell me what's wrong! Why doesn't she trust me? Does she think I'm going to tell the lads? I would never do that. Im one of her best friends. She can trust me. I just hope she is alright.

*Faiths P.O.V.*

I go and get ready for my stupid doctors appointment. I already know what they are going to say. I just don't want to hear it. I put on my favorite black skinny jeans and a purple blouse. It's a little chillier than usual.

I walk into the bathroom and grab my curling iron. My hair is already wavy but I like to curl it. Soon I won't be having hair. I will be putting on a hat instead. The thought gives me the chills and I push it out of my mind. I add a little more make up then usual. I put on a pair of purple high heels, and grab my car keys and head out the door.

I get into the car and head towards the doctors office. 'Shhh calm down. It's just an appointment. They are just doing a checkup on how you are doing.' I was nervous. I never liked the doctors office.

I pulled into the parking lot of a tall brick building. I was on the 5 floor. I walk in and get stares from people. What? A girl can't walk in high heels in a building? I reach the fifth floor and walk into the familiar room. I walk up to the lady at the desk.

"Hi I'm here for my appointment with Dr. Downes," I say to the old lady.

"Yes, please sign in and take a seat. You will be called in a minute," she says without looking from her computer screen. Nice lady. I sign in and take a seat. I stare at the walls for a few minutes until I grab the People's magazine. After a couple minutes of reading pointless drama my name was called.

"Faith" the nurse called out. I got up from my seat. My hands are shaking. I should've brought my mom with me but she was gone before I woke up.

The nurse led me to a room with a bench in the middle of it.

"Please sit," the nurse said with a smile, "I'm just going to ask a few questions."

"Ok," I say.

"When did you first find out you had cancer?"

"Umm a couple months ago."

"Have you felt different since you last came here?"

"No I haven't."

"How old are you?"


"Ok the doctor will be with you in just a second."

"Thank you," I say as she shut the door. I was a lone. In a doctors office. Oh god. I'm getting anxiety.

'Calm down Faith, calm down.' The doctor came in with a clipboard in his hand. He was a lot older and not very big.

"Hello Faith, I'm Dr. Downes," he said shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you."

"So I hear you recently found out you had cancer."

"Yes sir"

"I'm so sorry but I know you will be strong and get through it. I'm just going to scan your brain and see how it's going in there." The doctor said with a smile.

"Oh ok.."

"There's no need to be worried. I'm not going to hurt you. Ok so just lay back and relax." I lay back and close my eyes. The lights turn off and as I lay there a big machine makes it around my head. (A/N I have no idea how they test to see your brain. Sorry!)

"You are doing great Faith," the doctor says trying to comfort me even though Im a nervous wreck. The lights turn back on and I sit back up.

"Alright! I'm going to go see the results and ill come back and show you."

"Ok," I say my voice sounding shaky. I wait about a couple of minutes until the doctor comes back in with no smile on his face.

"Umm Faith, your results... They aren't very good. I've noticed that the tumor is expanding and spreading to more parts of your brain."

"Ok so what do i have to do?" I asked very frightened.

"Well we have to start chemo sooner than we thought."

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