Chapter 5.

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*Faith POV*

"Just keep your head down, don't look at them, don't answer their questions, and don't let go of my hand," Harry said, standing up and holding out his hand. I stood up too and took his hand in mine.

I took a good look around. There had to have been close to 50 men surrounding us with expensive looking cameras. I kept my head low, and walked beside Harry towards the direction of the car. I never let go of his hand. Because honestly, this was one of the most terrifying things I've ever had to do.

"Harry Styles, why are you back in Holmes Chapel?"

"Harry who is this girl?"

"Harry, is this your girlfriend?"

These were a few of the questions that were thrown out at us. After the men realized that Harry wouldn't answer any of their questions, they started aiming them at me.

"Who are you?"

"How do you know Harry?"

"Is Harry your boyfriend?"

We finally squeezed through the horde of people, until we reached the diner parking lot where the car was parked. Harry and I both stopped in our tracks once we saw what was waiting for us here.

"You'be got to be kidding me," Harry mumbled under his breath. There were girls of all different ages standing around Harry's car, all screaming their heads off. I would even say that there were more girls than paparazzi.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked quietly to Harry.

He thought for a minute. "We're just going to have to squeeze through and hope for the best, I guess." I nodded my head. I was still holding on tightly to Harry's hand as I followed him into the giant mass of One Direction fans.

Almost everyone reached in so they could try to touch Harry.

"Excuse me," Harry said politely to a girl who wasn't moving out of the way.

She moved out of Harry's way, but then turned to me. "Beard," she said. What? What is a beard?

I gave her a confused look, but clearly Harry understood, because he said to her "Please don't talk to my friend like that." We continued on our way to the car, but not without other people shouting rude remarks to me.

"You aren't pretty enough for Harry."

"Harry's mine."

"You're using Harry for fame."

"You're a slut."

I didn't respond to any of the girls, and kept my head down like Harry said. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we got to the car. I climbed in the passenger side, and Harry got behind the wheel. He rubbed his temples, then started the car. Harry looked beyond pissed.

"Harry?" I asked. "You okay?"

"Don't listen to anything the paparazzi or the fans say to you, okay Faith?" I nodded my head.

"I see why you would get so annoyed by them."

Harry nodded, then started driving, watching out for dumb fans that would jump infront of the car.

"I didn't realize they would be so bad here," he said. "I guess this means we're going to need to get Paul out here."

"Where are we going?" I asked, once I realized we weren't going in the direction of my house.

"We're going back to my mum's place. The boys are there and they loved you. And, I'm not ready to let you go home yet."

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