The New Girl

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Picture is of what she's wearing to the audition and the song is what she sings

"You killed it that was so awesome" Mcckayla squealed.

"Thanks so what surprise did you have for me?" I asked.

"I signed you up for X Factor"!!!! she shouted.

"You did what?!"

Victoria's P.O.V
I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. I was at a loss for words. I didn't really know how to feel so I just settled on anger.

"Are you kidding me right now Mcckayla?! Why would you do that? We have this conversation all the time.  I didn't want to sign up for X Factor because I don't want to see Zayn again. I don't want to open old wounds." I felt my eyes start to water. "This is all too much I feel like I just got my life together" I let the tears fall down my face.

Mcckayla and Niall came over and hugged me. I wiped my eyes and hugged them back. I wasn't mad anymore. I was scared. I was scared of the future. I didn't know what was going to happen. All I knew and felt was that it wasn't going to be good.

"Listen tori I know that you're scared but now it's time to face your fears. I will be with you every step of the way. Plus I know that you miss being the old you and that you don't like having to keep her locked up."

Niall smiled and nodded agreeing with Mcckayla. "Yeah and look at the bright side you can finally live your life and not worry about the past.  And you can express how you're feeling with singing. Plus you can show Zayn that you moved on and are doing just fine without him."

I smiled and nodded before taking a deep breath. "Yeah you guys are right I'm going to live my life and not worry about the past. I'll just worry about Zayn when the time comes." I smirked and looked at Niall. "So Ni you got any tips on how to succeed in X Factor."

Mcckayla grinned and cheered before hugging me tightly. "Yay I'm so proud of you. Now let's go celebrate!!"

~at the X Factor auditions~

I took a deep breath as I waited for my turn on stage. I can't believe that I'm here right now. I am freaking out on the inside right now. I hope that all the tips and practice I was doing with Niall helped. Me and Niall became very good friends. He's been hanging out with me and Mcckayla a lot. He didn't tell Zayn about me because he said it wasn't his place to tell him. I was so thankful for that.

I started to bounce my leg and bite my lip which is something that I do when I get nervous. I was going up next so I decided to get up and walk towards the stage. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this." I told Mcckayla as I walked up the stairs to the stage.

"Well it's too late to turn back now"

"I hate you"

"You know you love me now get on that stage and sing your ass off"

I giggle and hug her as she wishes me luck. I take one last deep breath and walk onto the stage. I introduced myself to the judges and told them a little bit about myself. I decided that I was going to sing impossible by Shontelle because it basically explained how I was feeling about my whole situation with Zayn. I started to sing when the music started. In the middle of my performance I felt tears fall down my face as I was singing. When I finished I wiped my eyes as the crowd cheered and clapped. I was even shocked to see Simon clapping with them as well.

In the end I got voted through and ran backstage to hug Mcckayla and my mom. She must've came when I got on stage. Afterwards we left and went out to eat to celebrate. I was so happy and excited when I was told that I would be heading to the judges house. I was going to Simon's house so I had to get ready to go.

The next day we went shopping all day and when I got back home I packed and stayed up with my mom and Mcckayla since I wouldn't see them for a while. After a while we all crashed in the living room.

In the morning I woke up to the smell of my mom's amazing cooking. I walked into the kitchen and kissed her cheek before stealing a piece of bacon and running up to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and washed my hair before getting out and brushing my teeth.

After getting dried and dressed I put my hair in a messy bun and head to the kitchen sitting at the table and begin to eat. After Mcckayla was finished we went to the airport. I teared up and hugged them tightly saying my goodbyes.

"I love you guys so much. I'm going to miss you. I promise to call whenever I can"

My mom smiled with tears in her eyes."don't worry you'll see us soon"

"You better call me and tell me about everything" Mcckayla said after hugging me. Now get your ass on that plane before it leaves you.

I giggle and nod before wiping my eyes and boarding the plane. I found my seat and buckled up closing my eyes. LA here I come I said as I put in my headphones and slowly fell asleep.

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