The New Girl

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Chapter 13

I panted, my legs getting sore and beat, but hearing the screams kept me going. My heart beating fast, adrenaline running though my veins. I kind of missed this. I loved the rush. I loved the anxiety, it thrills me, and at the end, knowing you saved someones life feels even better.

The cool wind was blowing. The splashing of the water, as I ran. The rain coming down hard, blurring my vision. The screams becoming more clear and sharp as I ran, then it became muffled. I finally stopped by an ally.

I peered through the darkness. I saw a man kissing a woman's neck. One of the man's hand was covering the woman's mouth, as the other was exploring her body. She only had a bra and panties on. The woman was against the cold ally wall, whimpering.

I clenched my fists, the view disgusting me. "Let her go." I hissed, taking a step to them. The man stopped and turned to me. I couldn't really see his face, but I could see his mouth curving up into a smirk. "Hmm. Look what we got here." He rubbed his hands together, licking his lips. Fucking creep. A shiver ran through my spine.

I saw as the woman shakily tried to sneak away. The man snapped his attention to her and growled. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He grabbed her by her hair. Before he can do anything else, I yanked him back. He jerked back caught unguarded and I quickly punched him in the face. He quickly recovered and swung at me.

I ducked it, and I kicked his leg, causing him to fall. I looked at the woman. "Hurry! Run!" The woman looked frightened and shocked. She tried running off, but the man grabbed her ankle. I stomped on his hand, and he groaned, holding it. The woman gave me a grateful look before running off.

I tried pinning the man to the wall, but he beat me to it. I tried kicking and punching him, but he was too strong. Now I was pinned to the cold, wet wall. Panting and tired. The man gave a deep chuckle. I scowled and looked at him. I let out a gasp. I blinked, not believing the sight in front of me.

I knew this face anywhere. His dark face, with high cheekbones. His blue piercing eyes. I guess he noticed me too, when his eyes slightly widened and gave me an evil smirk. My jaw tightened. "Alec James."
"The one and only."

I then smirked. "I met your daughter yesterday. Left her with some bruises." He growled.
"Don't push me. You don't want to end up like your dad now, do you?" I glared.

He looked around and looked back at me. "Awh, looks like you let her escape." He came close to my face. "I guess it's fine, you can take her place." His hand started traveling my body. I swallowed and my body tensed.
I shut my eyes. I felt the cool drops of the rain flowing down my hair and body. He's hands were now on the hem of my shirt.

My eyes snapped open. I felt Alec's hands stop. I knew that voice. The deep husky voice I loved. "VICTORIA!!!" "VICTORIA!!!"

My heart started beating fast. This time I heard the others yelling my name too. Coming nearer. Alec swore under his breath and reached down his pocket. He got out a knife. My eyes widened.

"No!" I punched him right in the eye. He groaned. I tried punching him again, but he grabbed my arm. "You little bitch." I started kicking him hard, and tried getting out of his grip.

Then I felt it. I felt the cool sharp edge of the knife slicing my collar bone down to my stomach, tearing my skin. I let out a painful scream. The thick blood was flowing out, turning the puddles on the ground a deep red.

My vision got blurry and the pain was unbearable. My chest was about to explode and my head pounded. I felt dizzy. Alec let go of me when he heard the splashing of the water and the footsteps coming close to us. I watched groggily as he walked to the corner of the ally, getting ready to slice them. "Watch out." My voice barely came out in a whisper. I saw dark figures across the road, one pointing towards the ally.

I tried again more determined. "No. Run." It was hoarse and still couldn't be heard under the pouring rain. Now they were running across the road. Alec gripped on the knife. Knots formed in my stomach. I won't let them get hurt.

I took all the energy I had and ran to Alec. I kneed him in the back and he howled in pain. The knife fell with a clang. I heard the others gasp as they hesitantly came closer. I don't think they realize that it's me.

I quickly grabbed the knife and stabbed Alec before he could do anything. He screamed and withered on the ground, holding his wound. I smiled, feeling satisfied.

My victory and glory feeling quickly was replaced with pain. I groaned and held my wound. I looked at the ground. It was all covered with a dark shade of red. My ears started ringing, and a wave of dizziness hit me again, stronger than the last. My eyes drooped and my knees got weak.

I gripped on the wall to keep myself from falling. I saw as the figures came into clear view. I saw the worried and astonished faces. The color ran out of their faces. Their eyes bulged out of their sockets. Then Zayn squinted, unbelieving what he was seeing. "Tori?" He barely whispered, his voice cracking. Did I honestly look that bad?

Another shock of pain hit me. I let out a yelp. I locked eyes with Zayn. His whole body tensed and he was shaking. I gave him a weak smile before my legs gave out and I fell to the ground. My body falling on the puddle of water. I groaned and closed my eyes. I heard their screams, hurting my ears. All I felt was shocks of pain going through my body.

Then it suddenly stopped. The screaming stopped. The pain stopped. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't feel anything. Then I drifted into a world of nothing.

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