The New Girl

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Chapter 12


I was in the bathroom, washing my hands mumbling curses under my breath. Don't you hate it
when you're having an amazing sleep and dream? And then you have this urge to pee and you can't hold it anymore, so you had to get up, pee and then you're wide awake. It annoys the hell out of me.

I wiped my hands and walked out. Everyone crashed at Tori's hotel room. They were all sleeping, so I made my way to the kitchen and started making pancakes. Today, I'm going to get Victoria back no matter what. I regret what I said to her, and if I could, I would take it back right away. Sadly, life doesn't work that way.

As I was finishing up the pancakes, I heard shuffling and murmurs. They probably woke up from the smell. As I was placing the pancakes on the plates, I felt a presence behind me. I turned my head and saw Louis, mouth watering and staring at the food. I chuckled, I raised up a plate and he snatched it, ginning wide. "Thanks!" He screamed, mouth full of pancakes already.

Just then the others came filing in, their nose sniffing the air. When Liz saw Louis, she scrunched her nose. "Ew Louis, stop being such a pig." Louis looked at her. Then he began to chomp and eat with his mouth open. Harry and I chuckled as Liz rolled her eyes. I placed their plates on the table and had an extra.

"Where's Victoria?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh, she woke up early and went out." Liz replied, mouth full of food.

Louis shot Liz a smirk. "Who's being the pig now?" He teased. I ignored them, I have to get to Tori. I quickly slipped on my shoes and jacket.

"Zayn! Where you going?"

I opened the door. "Somewhere!" I closed the door and ran outside. The cool breeze hitting me and a shiver running down my spine. I looked around and decided to go right.

I was walking for about an hour. I turned around a corner when I heard a giggle. I immediately recognized the giggle. It was Tori. I smiled. Finally I found her. I turned to the sound and saw her smiling in Starbucks. My smile quickly faded away as I saw a guy with her. He was the reason she was laughing.

I balled my hands into fists. I was hurt, angry and mostly jealous. I pressed my lips tight as I walked through the door and to them. Victoria's grin was quickly replaced with a frown as she saw me. Well hello to you too.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed through my teeth. Victoria rolled her eyes.

"Look man, calm down." My eyes snapped to the guy. Who the hell does he think he is?

"No, shut the fuck up." I growled.

"Zayn!" I turned my attention to Tori, I felt my face soften. Just seeing her face calms me down.

I sighed. "I need o talk to you, Victoria."

She shook her head. "Fuck no."

The guy looked at me and Victoria.

Then he got up. "Victoria, talk to him. Just get it over with. Come over later okay?" He said eyeing me.

"There's no way she's coming over." I said, glaring at the guy.

Victoria turned to me. "Zayn, stop it!" She glanced back at the guy with pleading eyes. "You don't need to go.."

Yes he does.

The guy shook his head. " It's fine. See you later babe."

My eyes bulged out. Anger went through my veins. Babe?!

Victoria giggled. "Okay, Chad." So that's his name.

The asshole's name is Chad. Then he kissed her. I clenched my fists, and my jaw tightened. Really? Are you fucking kidding me?

"What the hell?" I hissed and pulled him away from Tori.
Tori glared at me. Chad gave her a ressuring smile and bumped my shoulders as he walked out.

"Finally, he's gone."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" She crossed her arms over her chest. I sat down. I suddenly got really jittery and nervous. I fumbled with my fingers.

I heard her sigh. "Cya."

Hurry up Zayn! My head shot up, and I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Please just listen." I said pleading, looking at her brown eyes. She pursed her lips and sat down.

She stared at me.

"Look, Victoria. I'm so sorry about what happened. I was just mad and hurt. I didn't mean it at all and it just slipped. After I said all those stuff to you, I instantly regretted it. I saw how hurt you were and it made me want to kill myself for doing that to you. You mean a lot to me Victoria." I bit my lip, trying to see her reaction. Victoria was looking down, not making eye contact with me. I sighed.

"I'm not the type of guy who says this cheesy stuff, but whenever I see you my heart jumps and my knees gets wobbly."

Tori let out a small giggle. I smiled. I'm getting somewhere. "And you're so beautiful. The first time I saw you, you took my breath away. At first I thought you were like every other girl, ignorant and a slut, but I was so wrong. You're smart, clever, stunning and you can kick ass. Victoria, I love you. Can you please give me a second chance? I'll never hurt you again." I breathed.

She looked up and locked eyes with mine. I couldn't help but get lost in them. Then she smiled. It must be contagious because next thing I know my lip were curving up into a wide grin.

"I'll give you one more chance Zayn."

My eyes widened. My heart was beating fast, overjoyed. I sprang up. "Really?!" I said still surprised. She giggled and nodded.

I cupped her face and kissed her. I missed these lips so much. So soft and fits perfectly with mine. I missed these kisses, the one that left me wanting more and more. The one that makes me feel all gushy and warm inside. The one that feels so amazing and perfect.


We both ended up hanging out for the rest of the day. We first went to an arcade and played games and just had an awesome time. And now we were walking out of a restaurant that's only a few blocks away from our hotel room. So we just walked here.

I heard the ding of the bell as we opened the door. The cold autumn breeze blowing. The rustling of the leaves as they were blown from the wind. Leaves slowly falling from the trees, causing the ground look like a mix of colors. Red, yellow and orange. I love autumn, it's beautiful.

Suddenly I had an urge to pee. Probably from all the sprite I drank. I turned to Tori. I smiled as I saw her looking around in awe. Her eyes sparking. I'm so lucky to have her.

"Victoria." She snapped out of her gaze and turned to me.

"Yea?" She said softly.

"I'ma go to the bathroom real quick. Okay?" She nodded. I kissed her forehead and went back into the restaurant.


I smiled as Zayn walked back in. I love him so much. I'm glad I gave him another chance. I truly think he can change and besides every deserves a second chance. When we kissed again, it was perfect. His kisses were like my drug, I couldn't get enough. My thoughts were interrupted by a shrilling scream. My head snapped to the scream, and it was from an ally a few blocks away. I was about to run there, but I heard a ding from the door.

Zayn was there looking worried. "What happened?" he asked.

I quickly changed my expression. I don't want him to follow me or get involved. Not after what happened last time. Tears formed. He should have never followed me.

"Are you okay, babe?" I nodded. I wiped my tears. "Yea of course. I just got a twig in my eye."

He eyed me suspiciously. "Okayy.." I hooked arms with him and tugged him.

"Come on lets get home." I said, speed walking with him. I had to get him home before I helped the person. I need to do it fast. So I started running. Zayn jogged up to me.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I started running faster. "I don't want the others to be too worried about us." I said, hoping he'll believe me.

"I texted Harry before. So it'll be fine Tori." He stated.

"I just need to get there fast, Zayn!" Zayn stayed silent as we ran into our hotel. Maybe I was too harsh on him. But I didn't have time to feel guilty. Someone needs my help.

I rushed him to the elevator. As I entered I heard another scream from a distant. My heart raced. I need to hurry. I pressed the number 5 button and right before the door closed I jumped out. I heard a gasp and I looked back. Zayn's eyes were wide. His expression was surprised and confused. "Tori what are you doing!" I heard him yell, as I ran outside. Determined to save a person's life, like I used to do in the past.

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