The New Girl

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Chapter 2

Zayn's POV

I just stood there. Confused. Shocked. I thought I got her. This can't be happening.

"What just happened?"

Louis and Harry just snickered looking at me.

"She played you, bro."

I rolled my eyes. "No she didn't."

Harry smirked. "Why did you stutter then?"

I shook my head. "Whatever, lets go"

I always have the girls around my finger. I bang them, and i'm done with them. But, with Victoria I felt something. I felt connection between us. I stopped myself. No. I can't fall for her.

As me and my friends walked outside, we instantly saw Victoria. She was on a motorcycle? What the fuck. Did she just buy it? I thought she skated here. It doesn't matter, she looked hot on the motorcycle.

We exchanged confused expressions and walked up to Victoria. I shoved my hands in my pockets. Am I nervous?
Of course not.

"Hey Victoria."

She turned and faced us. A smirk played on her lips.


I saw Harry looking at her and licking his lips. Victoria winked at him. Envy filled me. I elbowed him in his stomach.

"Oof, what the fuck man." I gave him a back off glare.

"Soo Victoria , we see you got a motorcycle?" Louis said, his eyebrows raised.

Victoria nodded. "It was on sale."

I licked my lips. "I never saw a girl riding a motorcycle. Can you handle riding it babe? Want me to drive with you? You might get hurt."

She rolled her eyes."I think I'm old enough to handle it." Her eyes darted to someone behind us, gleaming with slight amusement.

We looked back and saw a policeman, pointing at Victoria and talking to his walkie talkie. He was running towards us. What's going on?


She smirked and turned the engine on. "Gotta go boys, looks like I have someone on my tail."

Then she drove off. And then a police car sped past us, it's siren on, with the blue and red lights shining brightly as it chased Victoria. My eyes widened. So did my friends.


We looked at each other. Then we all smirked and got into my car. I narrowed my eyes and spotted Victoria not too far away. I pressed on the engine and followed Victoria, with the police.

I watched as Victoria drove to the side of the highway, but instead of stopping, she drove off the highway onto the road below us.

Gasps filled the car.

"Oh my god." My heart hammered against the insides of my rib cage.

I drove fast to the rail and expected seeing Victoria sprawled on the ground, limp. I held my breath, as I leaned over the rail, But then I heard the roar of the motorcycle and Victoria speeding off, with the police car way behind her.

I heard sighs of relief. She shouldn't be doing this. She'll get hurt. But then again, why do I care? I tried to push the feelings away, but there was knots in my stomach. I shook it away.


"She's crazy"

I smirked. Victoria , she's different. She's not a girl who would complain breaking her nail. Not at all. She's a complete bad ass and she'll be hard to get. The complete opposite of the other girls, But hey, I love a good challenge.

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