The New Girl

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Chapter 18


It took all the energy I had to open my heavy eyelids. I winced as the light blinded me. I blinked several times to get my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

"Victoria!" a deep voice yelled, and then I felt muscular arms hug my petite body.

I squealed as shocks of pain went through me. The person quickly drew back. I looked at the person, and it was Zayn. My stomach fluttered. He looked concerned and worried.

"I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you? Do you need the doctor? Doctor! Doctor!"? He was looking around frantically.

I giggled, but quickly stopped when my stomach started hurting. I cringed and clutched my stomach. Zayn stared at me for a couple of seconds, to make sure I was actually awake, and that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. Then he gently pulled me into his arms.

My head was nestled on his chest. It seemed so perfect, and I had a feeling that this is where I belonged. My breathing came more steadied. I could hear the fast beating of his heart.

"You don't know how happy I am, now that you woke up. I missed you so so soo much,"? he muttered, his head buried in my neck.

It was comfortable in Zayn's arms, but it was kind of awkward because I don't know anything about him except his name.

"Zayn"? I said, pulling away from his arms.

I saw as Zayn's eyes widened and his lips curving up to a huge grin. He looked back to the girl behind him for the first time since I woke up, his eyes were gleaming with hope. I swear that the girl's face was a scowl, but it was quickly changed into a smile when Zayn faced her. Zayn didn't seem to notice at all.

"Did you here that? She remembers me!" he said with excitement.

The girl was about to reply, but Zayn interrupted her.

"I'm going to call the others, hold on."

He then got out his phone and walked outside the door with a goofy grin on. It made me happy to see him like that, but it killed me to know that I eventually have to tell him that I actually don't remember him at all.

"So, do you remember me too, Victoria?"?

I turned and saw the girl. She looked a little excited, but also disappointed. If that makes sense.

I shook my head. "No. I actually don't remember anything."

The girl's face seemed to brighten up, and her eyes were full of relief and happiness. Geez, why wasn't she this happy when I woke up? Then she narrowed her eyes.

"If you don't remember anything, then why did you know Zayn's name?" she questioned.

I gulped. I couldn't tell her: Oh, my spirit came out of my body, and I was able to see what happened in this room and I heard a guy call Zayn by his name. Nope, I couldn't say that without being called crazy. Instead I blurted out a lame reason.

"I guess I just remembered his name, but nothing else."

The girl nodded, but didn't seemed all convinced.

"So.. Who are you? Are you my friend or something?" I paused. "And are you and Zayn friends?"

"Well, I'm Liz, and yes I am your friend. Best friend to be exact. And Zayn and I are dating."? she answered, smiling.

My heart sunk. I tried not to show my disappointment. I liked Zayn, it's like I have a magnetic pull towards him, and I love all the butterflies and tingles he gives me, but he's already taken, by my best friend. I guess I should back off. I then saw Liz studying me, and I gave her a quick smile.

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