The New Girl

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Chapter 15


There was a tiny amount of light going through the window that made me realize that I was staring at the handsome boy all night long. It seems that I can just stay in this chair and watch him endlessly. Yea, I know it sounds creepy, but can you blame me? He's gorgeous.

The weird thing is, I never got tired or cold. It's like I have all the energy in the world. I guess that's the perks of being a ghost. At least I think I'm a ghost. I'm not dead, but not really alive either. Honestly I don't know what I am right now.

My thoughts were inturepted when I heard shuffling. I averted my eyes to the noise. It was the boy getting up. I watched as he stretched and yawned. His hair was messy and everywhere, but it looked hot on him.

He then walked next to me and held my hand. I felt the tinest shock go through my body. What's happening?

"I love you Victoria, I hope you wake up soon. I really miss you. Your friends miss you too," he said in a raspy voice.

He looked pained to see me like this. Is he a really close friend or something?
He then kissed my forehead.

The door opened, and revealed a boy, that looked familiar.
He had thick brown curly hair, and green eyes.

"Zayn, come on we have to go."
Zayn. So that's his name. Zayn nodded and glanced back at me. "Ill be back later, Tori."
The guy gave Zayn a sympathetic look. "Let's go man." He said, patting Zayn's back.
Then they walked out the door.

I quickly got to my feet and dashed to the door. Maybe if I follow him, I can find out more about him. But when I tried to follow them out, I hit something hard and staggered back.

Confused, I tried to place my hand outside of the room, but felt a solid surface. Like an invisible wall. Why can't I get out? I tried pushing the wall, but it wouldn't budge. I tried again, and it still didn't work. I groaned, knowing that the boy is probably gone by now. He said he'll come back anyways.

I gave up and went back to my chair. When I sat down, I noticed a pencil and paper. Since there was nothing else to do, I grabbed the pencil and paper and starting drawing.

I don't know how long I've been drawing for, since there was no clock in the room. But I guessed it was around mid afternoon. I could tell it was winter because of the sun setting early and obviously the snow on the ground.

I looked closely at my drawing, it was of me and that Zayn guy kissing. I don't know why I drew that, it was like my hand was in control and just drew. Not that I'm complaining, the boy seemed nice and he's extremley cute, why not date him?

I quickly placed the drawing back to the counter, when I heard the door opening. I watched as a girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes come in. She also seemed oddly familiar. Why does everyone seem like I know them, but I can't remember who they are?

She held a phone to her ear, talking to someone.

"Yea, I talked to her doctor. He said she won't wake up for a while now," she said, staring at me, and playing with the tube that ran across my arm.

"She also has memory loss." No wonder I couldn't remember anyone. I lost my memory, but what happened to

"But she didn't lose all of it, and he said that she has a chance of remembering." The girl spoke, with a frown on her face. Then there was a moment of silence.

"Oh it's fine, you did a great job, Alec. Too bad you got caught." I listened closely, confused.

The girl let out a laugh. "Don't worry, you will." Her mouth then curved into a smirk and there was satisfaction in her eyes. "Now that she's out of the picture, I can finally have Zayn."

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