The New Girl

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Chapter 20

Victoria's P.O.V

I was peacefully sleeping when I felt people shaking my body and heard people screaming my name. My heart rate quickened, but I calmed down when I recognized their voices.

I slid under my covers. "Go away," I groaned.

I heard the the shutters open, and felt the coldness wash over my body as the blanket got yanked back. I frowned as sunlight poured through my eyelids, causing my inner eyelids to turn bright pink.

"Rise and shine," Zayn said, amusement in his voice.

I opened one eye, squinting.

"Can't a girl sleep?" I whined. "You know what? Come back around 11."

Louis took out his phone. "It is 11, Victoria ," he said, smirking.

I scrunched up my nose. "Who even let you guys in here?" My eyes wide open now.

"Your mom," Harry answered.

I internally groaned. Of course.

"Moooooom!" I exclaimed, sitting up.

"Sorry honey! They would't leave me alone!" My mom yelled, from downstairs.

Zayn snickered. I glared at him, which he seemed to ignore.

"Go get ready now. We're going sledding and snow boarding." Liz demanded.

That's when I realized that each of them were wearing heavy snow gear.

Just then my stomach growled. I furrowed my eyebrows. "But I did't get to eat breakfast."

"We can get it on the way."

I looked at Liz, realizing that I wouldn't win and gave up.

"Fine.." I said, climbing over my bed,

"Come on go." Liz persisted, shooing me.

"Was she always this bossy?" I muttered, as I walked over my closet to gather my snow gear.

A low series of "yes" filled the room.

I glanced back and stifled a giggle when I saw Liz glaring at them. Then she turned to me. My eyes widened.

"I'm going, I'm going," I said pointing to the bathroom.

I quickly got into the bathroom and closed the door.

I frowned as I saw myself in the mirror. My hair was sticking up everywhere, and my breath smelled terrible. I can't believe they saw me like this, by they I mean Zayn... But, why do I even care? I shook my head and splashed cold water on my face, completely waking me up. I brushed my teeth, hoping the terrible morning breath would go away and finished getting ready.

When I opened the door, I saw Liz and Zayn making out, and Harry and Louis sitting on the bed, looking disgusted. I frowned, I'm never going to get used to this. When Louis saw me, his face brightened.

"Oh, hi Victoria . Ready to go?" He asked standing, along with Harry.

The couple seemed startled when they heard my name and instantly pulled away.

"Umm yea.." I said, eyeing Zayn and Liz.

Liz's composure returned, and she placed a smile on her face. " Okay let's go then." She headed for the door.

We all followed her. The image of them kissing was still on my mind. I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I felt someone hold my hand, and give me a reassuring squeeze. I looked to my side and saw Harry.

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