The New Girl

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Chapter 19


I was sitting on the couch. While everyone's attention was on me. It was kind of uncomfortable if you ask me.

"Okay. You know that I'm Zayn. She's Liz. He's Harry, and that's Louis," Zayn said slowly, pointing at each and one of them.

"Does the names sound familiar?" Louis asked.
I nodded. "Yea, very familiar."

Their eyes gleamed.
"That's a good sign," Harry commented.

I slowly nodded, smiling. But my eyes kept flickering to Zayn. He was staring at me. I bit my lip and looked down, as I felt blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Do you remember anything at all?" Liz asked, eyeing me and Zayn.

I thought for a second.
"Yea, but I only remember that I'm Victoria Pierce. I'm 17-"
"18," Louis said, cutting me off.

I frowned. 18? I don't remember turning 18..Everyone gave him a glare except me.

"She needs to know," he said. I gave him a confused look. Know what?

"You were in a coma for year..." Louis said, not looking at my eyes.

"Louis, you idiot," Harry said, face palming.

My eyes widened a little. Knots formed in my stomach. A year? Not only did I lose my memory, but I also lost a year of my life. I could have done so many things within a year. I could have went skydiving, cliff jumping, travel around the states, meet new people, bungee jump, but no. Instead, I stuck on the hospital bed, sleeping.


I watched as Tori's face fell when Louis told her. Stupid Louis, why did he have to tell her? He just made her upset.

Yea, I know that shouldn't be talking since I stole her boyfriend, but I liked Zayn first. We could have been together earlier, but she came and got in the way. She didn't even like him at first.

So I made up a plan. I planned to be her best friend and get Zayn back, but there was one flaw, I actually liked being Tori's friend. She's amazing, no wonder Zayn liked her. I also pretended to like Harry, so I wouldn't seem so suspisious. Eventually I realized I couldn't get Zayn since he was head over heels for Victoria so I decided to call Alec and ask him for help.

He did a pretty good job. I was kind of upset when she went into a coma, but I got over it because that meant that I could finally be with Zayn. And when she woke up I got a little bit excited, I really didn't want her to die, but I was worried that she still had her memory. All though at the end it came out perfect.

Zayn and I are together, and Tori doesn't remember anything. It'll be like a fresh start.


Someone cleared their throat, knocking me out of my thoughts. I looked up, it was Zayn.
"The doctor said that you can slowly regain memory if we do the stuff we did before... So you guys want to watch a movie?" he suggested.

Yea that's a good idea. Then I can maybe get my mind off all this, and go into another person's life.

When everyone nodded in agreement, he then got up and looked a the rows of movies. After a few minutes, he held out a disc.

"Wanna watch Hangover?" he asked looking over his shoulder.

Gosh, he looked so gorgeous. His trousled hair, those cheekbones, and his eyes. His amazing hazel eyes.......

Eyes were looking straight at me.

My eyes widened as I realized that everyone knew that I was staring at Zayn.

Harry and Louis smirking. Liz glaring, and Zayn smiling, showing off his white pearls. I blushed deep red.

"What?" I asked.
"Oh nothing. We just asked you if you wanted to watch Hangover, but apparently you were too busy drooling over Zayn," Louis said smirking.

"No I wasn't," I said indigintaly, feeling my face get hotter.
"Don't lie," Harry chimmed in. Oh wow. Thanks Harry you made everything better.

"Whatever," I muttered, sinking back into the couch, with my arms crossed.
"So is that a yes?" Zayn asked. I frowned.
"About what?"
"The movie."
"What movie?"
"What about it?"
"Do you want to watch Hangover?" Zayn said slowly.

"Oh yea..." I said, slapping my hand on my forehead.
"So what?"
"Do you want to watch the damn movie or not?!" Liz exclaimed.
I raised my eyebrow. Whoa. Is she on her period or something?
"Yea, yea. Sure." I replied.

Liz laid back on the couch, with a scowl on her face, muttering under her breath.

The boys laughed. Zayn then placed the movie in and sat by Liz. Wrapping his arm around her. Liz gave him a smile. A tinge of jealousy went through my body. They were sitting together, while I was between Harry and Louis.

Right before the movie started, Liz got up.

"Where you going babe?" Zayn asked. My stomach tightened. He called her babe.
Ugh this will be hard to get used to.
"I'm going to get snacks," she answered, pausing the movie.
"Oh okay." Zayn said, sinking back into the couch.

Liz then walked into the kitchen. I felt an arm wrap around me. I turned, startled, and saw Harry smirking.

"How can you forget this, baby?" He said, motioning to his body. I scrunched my nose and playfully slapped him.
"You're such a dork, Haz," I said, giggling.
"But you love it," he said, giving me his most adorable grin.

I bit my lip he's so cute. Even though I was staring into Harry's eyes, I saw, on the corner of my eyes Zayn glaring at us. What's his problem? Doesn't he have Liz? Speaking of her, I saw the kitchen lights flicker off, and Liz making her way here. With handful of food.

"Food!" Louis screamed, like a little kid.

He jumped up and ran to Liz. Then before I knew it Harry and Zayn was on their feet charging to Liz. By the time I got there nothing was left.

"You guys took all the food!" I whined, pouting.
Zayn smirked at me.
"Aww that's too bad." He said sticking out his bottom lip.

Before I can say anything my head starting pounding. I winced. I held my head and crouched down. I closed my eyes, hoping it would somewhat ease the pain, it didn't. I heard footsteps and soon I felt a hand on my back.

"Tori are you okay?" It was Zayn's voice. It was filled with worry.
I opened my mouth to answer him, but no sound came out. Soon the pain became unbearable, and I couldn't cry out.
"Someone call the doctor!" Zayn yelled, bring me closer to him.

Then the noises and sounds became distant. I heard yells, but I couldn't tell who it was. Then the blackness surrounding me disappeared and images popped into view.

The first showed everyone watching the movie, like we were right now, but this time it was me in Zayn's arms not Liz. Then the image quickly changed. It showed a party. It showed me staring at a couple kissing. The image became more focused and I realized that it was Zayn and another girl. Suddenly I couldn't breath. The image then showed me running off, with tears streaming down my face.

Then there seemed to be a wave of warmth and relief surging through my body. The pain disappeared along with the image.

I snapped my eyes open, gasping. Sweat was rolling down my forehead. Everyone stared at me shocked with their mouths ajar. Their eyes filled with concern. Zayn's arms were around me, holding me tight.

Harry was on the phone, and it was on speaker. There was ringing and then it went to voice mail. I think he was calling my doctor. Harry ended the call and looked at me.

"What happened Tori? Are you okay?" Harry asked, frowning.

I remembered the image of us watching the movie, with me snuggled in Zayn's arms. But I didn't bother mentioning that. I mean we couldn't have been dating. My mind then went to the next image of Jake kissing a girl at a party. Yea, there's no way that we have been dating.

"I just saw all us, watching the movie," I said. I winced as I heard my hoarse voice, and my throat was dry.

They all gave each other glances and turned back to me, with a smile on their faces.

"You know what that means? You're gaining back your memory!" Louis squealed, while jumping up and down with one hand on Harry's shoulder. I smiled. Louis reminded me of a girl who just found out that her crush likes her back. Harry was looking at Lou, with a I'm so done with you look. I stifled in a laugh.

"This is great, Tori! Soon you'll remember everything!" Zayn exclaimed, tackling me with a bear hug, causing me to stumble back. I didn't know what to do so I just stood still. Then I saw Harry motioning me to hug back, so I did. When my arms wrapped around Zayn, it felt so right. Like our bodies were made for each other.

Then I noticed Liz behind him, she had a frown on her face and her mouth was in a straight line. Suddenly, I had a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like something bad will happen. But I just don't know what.

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