Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')

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Here's the sequel, it's kinda like a classic jock meets nerd story but i'll be adding a twist ;)

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel's POV


I groaned underneath my bed covers and tried to get back to sleep and drown out the noise that was my mother,

"Gabriel! Don't make me come up there!"

I reluctantly got out of my bed, did my morning routine and walked downstairs to be greeted by my mum and dad kissing, not something i would've liked to see,

"Really guys?"

They pulled away from eachother and looked at me with smiles on their faces.

"So, you finally decided to get out of bed?"

I nodded "Yep"

My dad came up to me and slapped his hand down on my shoulder,

"So son, you ready to start 6th form?"

"It's not going to be any different Dad, it's not like I get into trouble or anything, this is gonna be easy, the teachers practically hand me good grades"

"Gabe! This is an important year for you, you really need to start settling down, if you want to become a professional footballer, you need to pass this course, when are you going to get a girlfriend?"

I sighed "Mum, i told you, i don't want a girlfriend and i will settle down, just not now"

She rolled her eyes at me "You can't keep bringing girls home Gabe, seriously, me and your father have been pretty laid back with all of this but i think it's time we got a bit more strict with you"

"Okay, i promise that i'll try and settle down but dad, wasn't you a player in school?"

He turned to face me "No actually i wasn't, i'll admit i had girls fall for my looks but i wasn't into that kind of thing"

"Hmmmm, okay, but i blame you guys"

They looked at me confused "And why is that son?"

"Because i turned out so good looking, it's in my genes"

They both laughed "I know for a fact that you got your ego from your father though"

My dad laughed "mmmm, whatever you say Aria"

My mum turned back to look at me "Gabe, i want you to drop off your sister aswell, since your both going to the same school"

"Do i have to mum? She annoys me"

"Yes Gabriel, you have to and stop with the back chat alright?"

I sighed "Where is she then, I'm leaving in like, 10 minutes"


I turned around to see Sierra come into the kitchen with a smile on her face,

"Why you smiling Si Si?"

"Don't worry about it mum, uhhh, Dad?"

Dad turned around to face her "Yeah?"

"Can I uhh, go out tonight?"

"Sierra, your 15, where are you going and who are you going with?"

"I'm going out and with people"

"Not a valid reason, you have 5 minutes to tell me where and who you are going with"

I got up and walked over to her "Look, can you hurry up with that because we have to go school, Mum, can I take the Ferrari?"

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now