Opposites Attract (17)

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Hope its longer, it was 9 pages on word :D

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

I’m waiting outside for Serena, I really shouldn’t have left her in school like that and I feel pretty bad about it, I’m just hoping she forgives me. I took phone out and decided to text her,

To: Serena

From: Gabriel

I’m waitin outside for u, where are u?

She replied in a matter of seconds,

To: Gabriel

From: Serena

Come and meet me in English, we need to talk now

Well, that doesn’t sound good; I know for a fact that when girls say they want to talk, it usually turns out bad for the guy. I got out of my car, locked it and started walking towards English, my palms are actually sweating right now, that’s how nervous I am and I don’t get nervous. I eventually got to English and I mustered up all my strength to lift my hand up and open the door,

“Come and sit Gabriel”

I walked over to the desk and sat in the seat next to hers, she turned her chair to face mine,

“I’d like to know why you walked out of English today”

“I can’t tell you”

“Then I honestly don’t think this is gonna work out”

I looked at her shocked “What?”

“You can’t keep walking out like that Gabriel; seriously, you have such a short temper it’s unbelievable, this isn’t going to work”

“Tell me you’re joking”

She shook her head “I’m not, all I’m saying is that you can tell me why you walked out and you can sort out your temper or we can break up”

“I promise I’ll sort out my temper but I can’t tell you why I walked out”


“Because I haven’t got my head around it yet”

“Around what? You won’t even tell me!”

“Because I can’t! I won’t tell you!”

“This is why I’m debating whether or not we should stay together, what’s the point in being together if you won’t tell me anything?”

“I will tell you everything, everything but this, I just… when I know its right, I’ll tell you okay?”

“No, not okay, I can’t deal with it, who knows what you’re hiding”

“Hiding? Are you calling me a cheater? We’ve been together for 3 days and you think I’m cheating?”

“Oh, so you don’t like being accused? Well now you know how it feels Gabriel”

“Oh my gosh, this is completely different!”

“Is it? You accused me of sleeping with Reese and I’m semi accusing you of cheating, how is that different?”

“Because I’m not cheating nor have I ever cheated!”

“And I never slept with Reese that night!”

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now