Opposites Attract (44)

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Happy New Year guys!!! A new year is a time for a new start... and new stories :D lol

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel's POV

*A few months later*

I was currently sitting in my living room worrying about Serena only because she's out shopping with mum but that's not what I'm worried about, I'm worried about the fact that Serena could go into labour at any time. She's like weeks away from her due date and I am so scared that she'll go into labour and I won't be there when she does. I mean yes my mum said she would call me if anything happens,

*Waiting for the end by Linkin Park starts playing*

Oh shit! Okay Gabriel, don't panic! Just answer the phone and try to stay calm. I pressed the answer button,


"Yeah, ummm Gabriel? I don't know how to put this"

"Mum, just say it!"

"Well her water broke not long ago so she's going into labour"

"I knew it, I fucking knew it! I told you mum, I told you not to go out today but did you listen? No!"

"Gabriel I'm sorry, just calm down!"

"Calm down! You want me to calm down?! My fiancée is going into labour and I'm not there!"

"Well if you shut up long enough, I'll tell you where we are!"

I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down, "Okay I'm calm"

"Good, okay so we're on our way to the hospital now"

"Which one?"

"The one closest to Westfield, I have no idea what the name is"

"Don't worry, I know where that is"


I suddenly started to panic again, "Is that Serena? Mum!"

"Yes! I'll put her on"

I heard shuffling for a few seconds before I heard her beautiful voice, "Gabriel"

"Serena, are you okay?"

"I'm going into labour; of course I'm not okay!"

"Okay stupid question, just keep calm okay?"

"Gabriel, just hurry up and get your ass to the hospital!"

I heard her cry out in pain before I heard my mum's voice again, "Okay so Gabriel, I'd advise you to hurry up and get to the hospital"

"I'm literally in the car right now"

Okay well I wasn't but I jumped up, grabbed the keys to the Chrysler and jumped in the car,

"I'm coming mum, keep her occupied"

"She's in labour, their aren't many things to keep her occupied"

"I don't know, I'm panicking! I'm not thinking straight!"

"Gabriel, I swear, if you are not at that hospital when I get there, you can forget about getting married!!"

"You heard her Gabriel, hurry up"

"Okay mum, I'll be there in 5"

I hung up the phone and pushed down on the accelerator a bit more, I just hope I don't get stopped by police or anything because I am literally about 30 miles over the designated speed limit but I didn't care, my daughter is coming and I'm going to be there.

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now