Opposites Attract (32)

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Sorry it's short, i had an idea in my head for this chapter but i just didn't know how to type it out but i tried :)

Rae 'Rae x


Serena’s POV

It’s been 2 days and it’s time for Gabriel to leave the hospital and he couldn’t be happier,



“Can you please just get in the wheelchair?”

He shook his head “I’m not getting in it Serena”

“It’s hospital policy”

“I don’t care, it makes me look weak”

“Gabriel please, it’s only until we get to the car”

“I’ll just use my crutches”

“Please, for me?”

I used the puppy dog eyes and he tried to fight it but I knew he couldn’t,

“Okay fine”

He got in the wheelchair and I leaned down to kiss him,

“Thank you baby”

He smiled “I only done it because you asked”

I smiled “Whatever”

I walked behind him and started to push the wheelchair out of the room but when we walked out of the building, we were literally blinded by flashes and bombarded by questions,

“Is this the girl that you risked your life for?!”

“What have your parents said about this?!”

“Do you realise that this will affect your dads company?!”

“Mystery girl, what is your name?!”

We didn’t answer any of their questions; we just continued to walk to the car where Jairo was waiting. Gabriel got in the car first and one of the doctors took the wheelchair and then I got in the car afterwards. We closed the door behind us and Jairo drove out of the car park,

“What was that all about?”

“Dad, that’s never happened before”

“I know, it usually happens to me but since you’re my son and you were involved in a very big accident, they’ll be following you as well”

“But we’re going on holiday in 3 days, I can’t handle that”

“I’m sorry Gabriel but that’s how it goes”

“Jairo, they said that this will affect the company, is that true?”

He shook his head “Not really, it won’t actually affect the company, the media will just be outside the studio all the time now”


“Because the studio is known everywhere and when something like this happens, they go for the main source and that’s me”

“Dad, I’m so sorry”

“It’s not your fault Gabriel and it’s not yours either Serena but when you get home, Gabriel can you please talk to your mother”

“Why, what’s wrong with her?”

“Everything, she’s pregnant and she’s under a lot of stress right now, she hasn’t spoken to me since yesterday”

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now