Opposites Attract (35)

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Yay! If u knew how much i had to do to get this on the laptop, i have like 23% of battery left, so i'm uploading quick time :)

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

As soon as we stepped off the jet, the intensity of the heat hit us so hard, I was actually considering walking around topless that’s how hot is was,

“How anyone stand this heat?”

I shrugged “Well compared to England this is just torture”

“I agree, as soon as we get to the house I am running into the ocean”

I laughed “Fully clothed?”

“Whatever it takes to cool me down I guess”

I smiled and took her hand in mine. We collected our luggage and continued walking through Grantley Adams International Airport to find what I was looking for. I eventually found it though, one of the guys holding up my last name. We walked over to the guy and I shook his hand,

“Pleasure to meet you Mr Arymiyoni”

“Please call me Gabriel and this is my fiancée Serena McKenzie”

Serena shook his hand “Hello Serena, I am Atwell Smith”

“I assume you will be our driver”

He nodded “I will, your dad hired me to take you wherever you need to go”

“Okay, I guess we should be going then”

He gestured for us to follow him so I took Serena’s hand again and we started to walk behind him. We got to the car and Atwell kindly put our luggage in the boot of the car for us while we got in the backseat of the car. Atwell got in the car and we started to drive off to the beach house,

“Ever been to Barbados before?”

I nodded “Only once and that was a long time ago”

“What about you miss?”

Serena shook her head “I’ve never come here before, it’s beautiful”

He smiled “It is”

“Where is the beach house then?”


I knew what she was going to ask next so I just told her “It’s the capital of Barbados”

“It’s the heart of Barbados as people like to say and the house is only 10 minutes away from there”

“Have you lived here your whole life?”

He shook his head “My mother was born in Trinidad & Tobago but my father was born here, I lived in Trinidad for a while before moving here and I now have a beautiful wife and daughter”

I smiled at his story and so did Serena “Maybe we could meet her one day in the week”

He smiled “She would like that, she has always wanted to know about life in England”

I laughed “Nothing much to tell”

He laughed “Still, it would be nice to here about the country you come from”

“And I would be happy to tell you”

He smiled and then we drifted off into a comfortable silence. Roughly 10 minutes passed before I saw the sign telling us that we had now entered Bridgetown and I looked over at Serena to see her just looking out the window, probably taking in the beauty of it all. Another 10 minutes passed before we finally arrived at the beach house and Serena didn’t waste any time in jumping out of the car and running into the house and I just laughed at her,

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now