Opposites Attract (3)

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Thought i'd upload a mini chapter before i go to sleep :)

Rae 'Rae x


Serena’s POV

I’ve been thinking about the boy Gabriel from school all day, now naturally I’m a likeable person but it just seemed like he hated me, I just don’t get why, I didn’t do anything to him, I didn’t even speak a single word to him,


That was my dad calling me, apparently my mum left me with him because she couldn’t handle it and because she cheated on my dad so he kinda kicked her out aswell but I don’t really mind, my dad is trying really hard, he works as an accountant so we’re pretty well off,


I got up from my bed and walked downstairs,

“Yeah dad?”

“I need to go into work”

I looked at him confused “It’s like, 8 o’ clock at night”

“I’m sorry Rena”

I sighed “It’s fine”

My dad also works a lot, I see him but not as much as I’d like to,

“There’s money on the counter, use it for whatever”

I nodded and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving, as soon as he left I got a text from Reese, he’s my ex boyfriend, we only broke up because I moved schools but we still talk to eachother, he wrote,

To: Serena

From: Reese

Hey Rena, I miss you, a lot… I was uh, reconsidering the break up, I mean, I know we’re not going to the same school but I want to make it work, I really do. Text me back soon and once again, I miss you :)

I liked Reese, a lot but I am not one for long distance relationships, it just never works out and because ever since I’ve looked at Gabriel, I don’t feel the same way towards him,

To: Reese

From: Serena

I miss you too Reese but I can’t do long distance relationships, there’s not much else I can say

I sent it and I got another text from him almost immediatley,

To: Serena

From: Reese

Open your door

I read the text over and over, is he joking? I walked over to my front door and opened it to find Reese standing there smiling at me, he ran up to hug me but I couldn’t bring my arms up to hug him back, he pulled away and looked at me,

“What’s wrong? Why won’t you hug me back?”

“I can’t, it doesn’t feel right knowing you want to get back together”

He looked at me with sad eyes “But now we can, I’m here now, it won’t be long distance”

I sighed “I can’t”

“There’s someone else isn’t there?”

I didn’t know how to answer that, it’s only been a day and I can’t stop thinking about Gabriel, he hates me though so I can’t really do anything about it can i? Maybe I should befriend him first but I can just tell that he’s a player, his whole aura screams player. I looked at Reese so see he was still waiting for an answer,

“No, there isn’t someone else and I’m not going to say I don’t like you because I do but, I, I’m not going to get back with you Reese, I’m sorry”

I walked back inside and closed the door, I hurt his feelings all because of a guy I met 1 day ago, who may I add, hates me, I heard my phone go off again and it was Reese, does he ever give up?

To: Serena

From: Reese

I always liked you Serena but you’ll regret not taking me back, believe me, I just need to find this ‘other guy’

Great! First there’s Gabriel who hates me and now there’s Reese who hates Gabriel, I’ve been here for a day and everything has turned upside down, I’m just dreading school tomorrow.


A short little chapter of from Serena's POV

Rae 'Rae x

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now