Opposites Attract (20)

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Sorry it took so long, i'm currently not feeling well but i wanted to upload since i didn't yesterday, might not upload for a while now, it's possible though :)

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

I didn’t get a good sleep last night at all, I probably had about 3 hours sleep. I kept tossing and turning, thinking about whether or not Serena is going to take me back. I just hope she does because I don’t think I could handle going to school to handle passing her everyday and sitting next to her in nearly every lesson.

I decided not to go school today as well, not just because of Serena but also because of Sierra and my mum. Sierra because even though she shouldn’t have gone to the party in the first place, I still feel sorry for her and my mum because even though she’s only weeks along, she’s still pregnant and I wanna look after her the way a son should.

I was about to walk out of my room when my phone started to ring, I didn’t even bother look at the caller ID, I just answered it,



“Oh, Serena, I uhhhh didn’t know it was you”

“I figured”

“Are you calling because of the…” I trailed of, not really knowing how to end the sentence,

“Yeah, I’ve thought it through”

“And? Will you take me back?”

“Let me explain something to you now Gabriel, I’m not the same shy girl I was 2 weeks ago, I’m a calm person and I’ve taken a lot of shit but not anymore. If you don’t sort out your temper we won’t be getting back together, ever”

“So does that mean…?” I trailed off again,

“Yes, I’ll take you back”

A smile spread across my face “Thank you, I promise I won’t mess up this time”

“You better not”

“I won’t, I swear”

“Good, just remember what I said okay?”

“Okay, so uhhhh, do you wanna come over?”

“I probably will later, aren’t you coming to school though?”

“No, I’m gonna stay home to look after my mum and keep an eye on my sister”

“Oh, okay then, see you later then?”

“Yeah, I’ll call you”

“Okay, bye Gabriel”

“Bye Serena”

I hung up the phone and put it on my bedside table. I still had a smile on my face and it will probably stay there for a while.

I got up from my bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to find everyone sitting at the table in an awkward silence,

“If you’re not going to talk to each other, why are you all sitting with each other?”

“Because we’re still a family”

“So? Families have fights, I can see that Sierra is still upset about this but yet you’re forcing her to sit with you, I know what she did was wrong but it’s still unfair to her”

Sierra looked up at me but didn’t say anything, that’s how I know she’s upset, she would’ve come out with a retort otherwise. My mum turned to face Sierra,

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now