Opposites Attract (6)

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Sorry if it's too short, i promise i will make the next chapter extra long :D

Rae 'Rae x


Serena’s POV

I can’t believe he took my phone, how am I supposed to explain that to my dad? He’d kill me! I’m just confused about why Gabriel hates me or ‘dislikes’ me as he put it, I tried talking to him, I tried being nice but he just didn’t take notice, I don’t know what to do!

“Rena?” I looked up to see my dad looking at me worried “Why are you crying?”

I wiped my eyes and sure enough I was actually crying, I was too busy thinking about why Gabriel hates me to even realise it,

“It’s nothing”

He walked over to me and sat down next to me on the sofa “Rena, I know you too well and I know for a fact that you’re a terrible liar” I laughed sadly and he smiled at me “So, what’s wrong?”

I can’t tell him, if Gabriel finds out I told him, I’d probably be picked on for the rest of the school year but what am I supposed to say?

“I lost my phone”

It wasn’t the truth but it wasn’t a lie either, I didn’t have my phone and he didn’t need to know who took it,


“I don’t know, I just, I came home and, I couldn’t find it, I’m sorry”

He sighed “No need to be sorry Rena, I’ll get you a new phone, which one do you want?”

I looked up at him shocked “Dad no, I can’t let you do that, it was my fault it got lost anyway”

“It’s not your fault, I’m getting you a new phone”

“No, you are not”

“Serena” He gave me a look that said ‘Shut up and let me do this’

“Okay, fine, you choose”

He nodded and got up from the sofa, he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out, I’m surprised he even bought that, like he said, I’m a terrible liar, everyone knows that.

I heard my house phone ring and I jumped up immediatley, I pressed the answer button,


“Well, hello Serena”


“The one and only”

Why is he even calling me? He took my phone and now he’s calling me, he had to go through my phone to get this number!

“Why are you calling?”

“So I can’t have a civilised chat with you?”

“Not when you took my phone, I had to lie to my own dad”

“No one told you to lie, are you scared of me Serena?”

“No” I lied

“Then why didn’t you tell, you had a chance and you decided not to take it”

“Because you told me not to”

“Hmmm well done, I never thought you’d listen”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“You’ll know soon”

I was about to ask him what he meant but he hung up on me before I had a chance. ‘You’ll know soon’ what could that mean? He’s giving me mixed signals and I hate it! He has so much control over me, sometimes I wonder if he’s doing this because he likes me but that would make no sense, he’s made that very clear so that’s just a big no.

I walked back over to the sofa and sat down, since he has my phone, he probably knows about Reese, I just hope he hasn’t been answering his calls because that would just make everything tens times worse. I can’t even say that I hate Gabriel though because I know there’s something there, I just don’t know what it is and I’m afraid to find out.

Gabriel’s POV

I’m still shocked about why she didn’t tell on me, she had the chance but she decided to lie, but oh well, that’s good for me because I can not have my parents finding out about this, especially my dad.


I looked over at my door to see my mum in the doorway “Yeah mum?”

She walked in and sat down on the end of my bed “I want you to be completley honest with me and if I find out that your lying, your dad will find out” I nodded confused and she continued “Did you punch a guy at lunch today?”


“Gabriel! I thought you were going to change your behaviour, what do you think your dad is going to say about this?!”

“Mum! It wasn’t like that, he was getting forceful with the new girl and I punched him to get him off of her, I was defending her”

Shock spread across her face “You were defending a girl? You?”

I laughed “Yes mum, why is it so shocking?”

“Because the only girl you care about is your sister, does my little Gabriel have a crush?”

“No, definiatley not, I do not like her”

She raised an eyebrow at me “Gabe, just remember, I was only a year younger than you when I met your father and believe me I tried to push him away as much as I could”

“You never told me that”

“Well, I’m telling you now, I was 17 and he was actually my next door neighbour, I tried everything to make him leave me alone but he kept on coming back and eventually I started to like him and that turned into love very soon, the point is that I was trying to hide my feelings but eventually I knew I couldn’t anymore so please Gabriel, do not do the same thing, I know you very well and I know your hiding something, don’t keep it in Gabe, trust me when I say it will work out”

She smiled at me at left my room, I started to reflect on what she just told me, and to think out of my 18 years of life, she never once told me that she tried pushing dad away, weird right?

I don’t like Serena and that’s the honest truth, I don’t know why I keep thinking about her though, I’ll admit that she’s pretty attractive and she has a great body, and those eyes, do not even get me started on her eyes… shit! You see?! Even when i’m trying not to like her, she comes into my head! I don’t know what to do!

I fell back onto my bed and groaned, what is this girl doing to me?! If I’m ever going to get her out of my head, I just have to make her hate me even more, I know she doesn’t deserve it but she’s gonna have to deal with it.


I was gonna make the whole chapter in Serena's POV but i decided to add Gabriel in there aswell because writing in his POV is easier for me :)

Rae 'Rae x

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now