Opposites Attract (22)

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I'm back to skool tommoz :( but i'm feeling much better even though i still have a slight cough which is very annoying lol I have a maths exam tommoz aswell so that should be fun :/

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

“Gabriel, don’t forget that you have to drop your sister to school”

“I know but I won’t be able to pick her up”

“Why? You both go to the same school”

“Yeah but me and Serena have plans after school”

“You two have gotten a lot closer haven’t you?”

I nodded “Yep but have you ever had the feeling when you know something bad is going to happen?”

“Many times, why?”

“Because I’m having that feeling now and I don’t like it”

“Don’t let it bother you, just go with the flow because everything happens for a reason”

“I guess so, where is Sierra anyway?”

As soon as I said that, Sierra walked into the kitchen looking slightly happier than yesterday,

“Why are you happy this time Si? And please don’t tell me you have a new boyfriend”

She laughed “Mum let me have my phone back but the other punishments still stand”

“That’s still good though right?”

“Yeah, except I switched on my phone and I had about 30 messages from Justin and then he started calling me non stop” Her phone started to ring “Speak of the devil”

“Let me answer it”

She handed me her phone and I pressed answer,

“Hello Sierra?”

“No, this is not Sierra, why are you still calling her?”

“I need to talk to her”

“You don’t need to do anything, stay away from my sister”

“Or what?”

I laughed humourlessly “You’ll find out, trust me”

I hung up the phone and deleted his number before handing it back to her,

“What did he say?”

“Don’t worry”

I could see that she was about to argue but the doorbell rang. I walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway, I opened the front door and there Serena stood, looking like a goddess,

“Hi Gabe”

“Hi, I thought I was gonna pick you up”

“I wanted to surprise you”

I smiled and leaned forward to give her a light kiss but she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her, meanwhile, pulling me outside with her. Of course, I bit her bottom lip and of course, she let me in. I could tell she was about to move to my hair so I pulled away before she could,

“I’m getting my hair cut”

“No! Don’t you dare!”

I laughed “Why not?”

“It’s fun to tease you by running my hands through your hair”

“Yeah but you tug at it too and we both know what that does to me”

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now