Opposites Attract (19)

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Got 4 pieces of homework to do :( It's too much 4 me but of course i will take time out to upload, it may be a long while between each chapter but i will upload within 3 days max :)

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

“So, how did you like it?”

“It was amazing!”

I laughed “I told you I could cook”

“I believe you now”

I leaned down to kiss her and she pulled me closer by moving her hands up to my hair. I decided to take it a bit further so of course I bit her bottom lip and she granted me entrance, she always does. She pushed me down lightly so that I was now lying down on the sofa but our lips stayed connected. We continued kissing until,

“So, this is what you get up to when we’re not here?”

Serena moved off of me and I sat up to face my parents,


“Looks like it”

“Are you angry because I don’t think I can handle another punishment?”

“No Gabriel, we’re not that strict”

I raised an eyebrow at them “Honestly? Not that strict?”

My dad laughed “We’re really not but if you want us to be stricter, we can”

“No no no, I’m good”

My mum smirked “Thought so but anyway don’t make us catch you doing that again, if you’re going to do that at least do it in your room”

I laughed “And you’re telling me that you’d be okay with that?”

“Oh please, me and your dad have done this before, just as long as you listen to his advice and don’t get her pregnant, we’re okay with it”

I looked over at Serena to see her blushing, I looked back at my mum “Okay, I’ll take that on board, how did your appointment go?”

They both smiled at the same time “It went well”

“So? Did you find out the sex?”

My dad nodded “We did”


“It’s a boy”

“Oh yes!”

I jumped up and gave my dad a high five; he told me how he wanted it to be a boy,


“Thank you Gabriel, do not follow in my footsteps”

I laughed “I wouldn’t dare”

I turned around to see my mum and Serena sitting on the sofa staring at us with smiles on their faces,


“You and your dad are so alike it’s almost unbelievable”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Hard to say”

I laughed “Wow”

My mums phone started to ring and everyone just turned their heads to her direction, I guess we were all curious as to who it was. My mum answered the phone,

“Hello?”… “Yes, why what happened?”… “She’s what?!”… “Where the hell is she?”… “Oh, she’s at Justin’s is she?”… “Okay, well thanks for calling me Kerrie, please keep her there”

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now